To: Nakada Reika
From: Shibuya Senior High School
April 26th, 2013
Dear Student,
We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted to attend Shibuya Senior High for the 2013-2014 school year. Herer at Shibuya High, we believe that any student can pursue a carrer in the entertainment industry. With our well trained teachers and staff, we make sure by the end of your third year that you'll be equipped with all the knowledge that will be useful in Japan's competitive cut throat industry. All students at SSH are ranked by social statu; the higher the status the more help you'll get at achieving your dream.
We go by the star classing system which rates from one to five. You can identify your classing by how many stars are on your armband.
On Monday morning, all students are to report for opening ceremony at 7:00 a.m for rule changes.
We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your summer, and will be looking forward to seeing you soon.
Regards, K. Nishima
Shibuya Junior and Senior High School for the Arts
Hello everyone, Minako here!^^
This is only the introduction to RSR, and the story has yet to begin!
Chapter one will be added soon, so plz add your library or feel free to follow for updates^^
Reika's Star Revolution!
JugendliteraturSinging is my life. Ever since I was small, I was part of my school's chior. Most people say that I have a voice of an angel, and that I should pursue a carrer in the entertainment world. When I perform, I love doing my best and seeing others enjoyi...