01 | Meeting ✔️

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2/23/19: ya'll this fic was made years back so it's pretty awful, apologizes for errors and such.


Uzumaki Naruyumi wasn't someone you'd call normal, in fact, if you went straight up to her face and called her abnormal she would take it into stride. Just smiling in amusement and thanking you for your opinion.

You'd also wonder on why this silly obvious girl was carrying a frying pan of all things. Naru could have been carrying a can of pepper spray, or maybe a little tiny pocket knife in her purse or pockets. You would add that to your list of facts that made her weird.


Weird- adjective

- suggesting something supernatural; uncanny.


When someone asked Uzumaki Naruyumi, on why in the world she would carry around a frying pan of all things. The little blonde girl would smile brightly, sharp white teeth closing together as she smiled. Her eyes would close while her eyes wrinkled slightly together, her baggy clothes would scrunch up slightly. And she would reply with a explication on how it reminded her of her late mother.

The student would ask no more and they smiled in thanks and walked away. Everyone else in the hallway would make their way down the halls, treating this as if it was any other day.

No one knew much about Uzumaki Naruyumi. All they knew was that she was a girl with only a frying pan to keep her company. Her frying pan wasn't anything special, it was one of those big ones, all black with a little rose red paw on the side. No one questioned it.

The teachers didn't question anything either, they didn't mention that Naru just showed up one day to class in first grade with the frying pan over her shoulder. Her arms had trembled at the weight of the cooking utensil, but the teacher she had at the time thought nothing of it and continued with the class.

It continued on like that until Naru came into class one day with the brightest grin that anyone in her class had seen. The frying pan that became known to everyone as 'Kurama' or who everyone but Naruto called 'Kyuùbi'.

They didn't ask when they noticed how Naru didn't tremble at the weight of Kurama. They didn't want to ruin the bright, happy expression that the blonde was finally supporting.


Naru sighed, squeezing her already tight eyes, shut even more. She clutched the bright orange blanket closer to her body, savoring the warmth that her body was basking in. She groaned tiredly as the background noise continued to blare loudly, making her well deserving sleep be interrupted and ruined.

She continued to lay in her position, face down into the pillow and arms crossed over her chest, still holding onto the single blanket she was using. Narus legs were laid straight out, she forced herself to drip her one left foot out of bed.

It touched the smooth wooden floor and immediately returned to the safety of the covers. Naru grunted in frustration as another background noise flared to life. She forced her heavy body to wake up and function, she then proceeded to stiffly make her way out of bed, inch by inch.

Naru was hesitant to place her bare feet on the ground, it was cold and the cold wasn't helping her in escaping her bed at all.

"Onward," Naru muttered under her breath as she hissed as the coldness touched her feet, "Onward towards the cold kitchen."

As she walked down the closely closed together hallway, Naru noticed that she hadn't changed. She didn't bother to go back to her room, it would only make her more tempted to go back to sleep.

She entered the kitchen with a loud yawn, hand instantly coming up to cover her mouth. She looked over to the stove, wondering on what she should cook.

"Hmm," Naru mused, "Eggs...Maybe..Na- HOLY SHIT-!"

7:22 AM

Naru's body instantly filled with adrenaline. Her body shooting down the hallway like a dog hunting down a cat.

'Oh shit oh shit oh shit,' Naru felt some sweat drip down her neck as she tried to pull on her uniform, the damn thing just didn't want to come on, 'Ms.Tsunade is going to murder me. Nobody will find my body, if they do they better bury Kurama with me. Damn.'

After about a full two minutes of wrestling her light blue uniform on, she rushed down the stairs in a hast. Naru didn't even care that she tripped over multiple things, she grabbed her ever so faithful frying pan, Kurama, and jammed a piece of whole wheat toast in her mouth.

Yes, she was trying to be like one of those anime girls. Naru just hoped she didn't run into the guy that they always fell in love with in the end. 

"I'm leaving! Bye." Naru tapped her right foot on the ground before leaving, not staying around to wait for a reply. 

Not that she was expecting one.

Naru ran down the street, keeping a tight grip on Kurama as she sprinted. The blonde waved to anyone who waved at her. And unlike her classmates, the villagers actually enjoy her presence.

And that, she was glad for.


Naru hugged Kurama to her chest as she walked down the hallway, she needed to get home and complete the ridiculous homework assignment that Jiraiya-sensei assigned her to. Apparently her perverted English teacher thought it would be a good idea to assign his class to writing a short stor-

Kurama fell to the ground with a thump.

"O-Oh!" Naru was quick to grab Kurama off the floor.

"I-I'm so sorry!" The nervous voice continued, "A-Are you hurt anywhere? Broken bones? Anythin-"

Naru scoffed and stood up straight, wiping off all the imagery dust off her skirt, "I'm fine, thank you for asking."

Coal dark eyes gazed at her with worry, Naru ignored the feeling of happiness welling up inside her.

It wasn't every day that someone was worried about you.

It was then, that she noticed that they were by the girls bathroom.

With the man across from her positioned by a little hole.

Naru gripped Kuramas handle, all emotions that she was feeling before hand, gone.

The man across from her looked about a year or two older then herself, clad in the males uniform for Kohona High.

'So he goes to Kohona too....' Naru mused, 'Intresting..'

"So sorr-"

"Pervert." The words jumped out of her mouth before Naru could stop them.

The man looked confused, "What?"

"Pervert." Naru repeated, hands turning white from her iron grip on her frying pan.

"I-I..." The man looked so lost that Naru almost wanted to just give everything up and walk away. "I don't...I don't know what you're talking about."

"You are staking the woman's bathroom."


Naru's sun like hair covered her eyes, "Pervert."

The man then looked around, noticing how odd this might look, "Wait! I can explain!"

"No mercy." And with that, Naru swung her frying pan.

Obito yelped and jumped to the side, landing on the ground and doing a barrel roll. Kurama hit the ground with a large thump.


Naru looked up with a grin, "What are you're last words you little pervert?"

The man, looked up at Naru with large puppy dog eyes.

"P-Please be my wingman!"

Frying Pan | DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now