Chapter 26

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Weston's POV
I pull into Kaylee's driveway. "Why are we here?" She asks me. "Your mom told me to take you home." I sigh. She gives me the death stare. I give her a sad look as she angrily gets out of the car. She slams the door shut as I get out. She runs into the house and slams the front door. I chase after her. "KAYLEE!" I yell banging on the front door. The door was unlocked but she was leaning against it. I hear sobbing and I go to the living room window which was open. I climb through and run to Kaylee. She was curled in a ball with tears streaming down her face. "Kaylee?" I ask. She doesn't look at me. "Kaylee." I say again sitting next to her. "What's wrong baby girl?" I ask. She doesn't say anything, she just rests her head on my shoulder and cries. "Kaylee." I sigh. "It's a migraine." She says trying to stop crying. I nod and carry her back outside. She looks at me confused as I take her back to the car. "Your mom's not going to help you." I sigh. She sits in the front as I drive us home. When I get home I carry her to my room as she lies down on my bed. "Are you ok baby girl?" I ask as she closes her eyes. She weakly smiles and nods. "Are you sure?" I ask as she shakes her head no. I pull her into a hug. "What if this is a sign of me dying?" She asks. I stare off into space thinking about life without her. "Don't talk like that." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek. "It's going to happen Weston. Maybe tomorrow maybe in 15 years. It will happen. We can't pretend like it's not going to." She says making me tear up. "I don't want to lose you." I sigh. "I know. And I don't want to die. But it's not my choice." She sighs. I hug her tightly. "I love you." I sigh. "I love you too." She says tiredly. "You're going to be going to sleep soon aren't you." I sigh. She shrugs and yawns. I lay her down on the pillow and cover her with the blanket. "You're not going to lay with me?" She asks. "Can I broadcast first?" She nods. I broadcast for about 20 minutes and then lay down. "Good night baby girl." I smile kissing her cheek. "Good night Weston." She laughs. She lays her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her. She falls asleep in my arms.
*The next morning*
I wake up to see Kaylee not there. I start to freak out. "KAYLEE!" I yell sitting up to find her broadcasting. "What?" She laughs. I shake my head and calm down. "Come say hi." She says waving me over. "Hey." I smile into the camera. "Wow. 2,000 views all by yourself. My baby girl's famous." I smile kissing her. "Mmhmm." She laughs. "Well guys. I'm going to go because I am very tired right now and I really want to sleep." She says with a weak smile into the phone as she ends the broadcast. "You just woke up." I frown. She nods and yawns then she walks back over to the bed and cuddles under the covers. "You're that tired?" I ask. She nods and closes her eyes. I walk out of the room and walk to the living room where my mom was watching TV. "Hey Weston. Where's Kaylee." She asks. "Sleeping." I sigh. She looks at me weird. "She's been very tired lately." I sigh. "It's a part of the condition thing." She says pulling me into a hug. "I don't want her to go." I sigh. "I know." She says hugging me tightly.
Kaylee's POV
"KAYLEE!!" Weston yells as I lay in a bed. I take my last breath and everything turns white. After about 2 minutes of white I see the world from a different perspective. I see Weston and I hear him as if I was alive."KAYLEE!" He yells. He runs to the bathroom and grabs a bottle of pills. I scream out stop but my body present on earth stays quiet. Weston takes the pills and lays by the bath tub slowly dying. Then I see Nathan and Hailey who were walking through a park. Nathan's phone goes off with a text saying I'm dead. He runs to the bridge and jumps off. Kaylee does the same. Then I go to my mom's perspective who was watching the news. The channel says, "17 year old Kaylee Williams dies today." She continues to eat her dinner pretending like nothing happened. Then the news reporter says, "This just I, 2 teens, Nathan Triska and Hailey Williams have committed suicide due to Kaylee's death." My mom starts to cry since Hailey has died.
*End of Dream*
I wake up in tears. Weston was nowhere to be seen. I run to the living room and see him watching tv. "Weston." I sigh in relief as I run to hug him. He looks at me weird. "It was just a dream." I smile to myself. He just stares at me weirdly. "I love you so much." I sigh. "I love you too." He smiles kissing my forehead. That was one crazy dream.

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