Chapter Four

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Beca walked into school the next morning after a sleepless night, her thoughts had been on Chloe, her parents, then back to Chloe and she hated it. She hoped her crush would go away soon, considering the fact that redhead had to be straight, there was no way. Well, then again, she seemed like the type of girl who didn't care about what people thought. Especially when it came to love.

Beca shook her head, trying to force the thoughts away as she caught Chloe waving at her. She waved back, half heartedly, just in case she was wrong.

"Hi Beca," and there she was, all bubble gum smiles and perfect red curls. Walking with Beca of all people. So she didn't forget her name, that was nice, maybe she'd been wrong about her observations.


Yes, continue to embarrass yourself, Mitchell. She hoped Chloe wouldn't ask if she was okay, or how her night had gone. Which, the other girl seemed to pick up on.

Maybe Chloe would be understanding, was understanding. She seemed like it, the silence between them wasn't uncomfortable, not at all, and for the first time Beca felt like she actually had a connection with someone. It was odd, in a scary good way, how good she felt just walking in the loop with Chloe felt. How happy.

The bell seemed to ring too early, because soon she was giving a small smile and a nod to Chloe as a goodbye, her heart falling. It hurt, to watch her walk away, to see her talk to other people with such big smiles and easiness, like she knew that she was some type of....angel.

Because she was. Chloe Beale was an angel of heaven, and Beca was a lone soldier from hell.


Never fall for the pretty ones, her dad used to say. She'd usually scoff, roll her eyes, because at the time she hadn't known what she liked. He'd told her it was a bad path to go down, falling for someone based on looks, not personality, he said a full package never happened, that if a person was pretty with a pretty personality, they were untrustworthy and evil.

Yet, Chloe Beale was a beautiful girl with an even more beautiful personality, and sure Beca hadn't fallen for her, it was just a crush, but she couldn't help but think how wrong her dad had been.

She hadn't ever heard a bad word said about Chloe, and it was only her second day but normally in school you figured out who was with who pretty quick. Beca still hadn't figured Chloe out. She talked to the jocks, her cheerleader girls, the skaters, the druggies, everyone, no matter who they were or what had been said about them.

So maybe she was evil, maybe she was just killing everybody with kindness, but that was the best way Beca had ever witnessed someone do it, if this was in fact the case. Maybe Chloe hurt and maybe she just wanted everyone else to not feel any pain.

If so, she was even more of an angel than before, and all Beca hoped was that she could have the opportunity to figure Chloe Beale out.

Sorry it's a short update, and I'm also sorry for not updating, but I will be more frequently, hope you had a good valentines day, whether you were alone or with your love (:

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