Chapter Fourteen

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"Why didn't you tell me?" Chloe was sitting with Aubrey on her bed, it was Friday night and she was subconsciously worrying about Beca. Where did she stay? In that house? Had that cops found her? She sighed and shrugged her shoulders, tucking hair behind her ear.

"Well, we haven't- I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend, Bree. We just, kissed. That's all and we're taking things slow because...well it's complicated."

She watched Aubrey's face form into suspicion and confusion, those green and blue eyes trying to see what was complicated without having Chloe say the words. Chloe hated that about Aubrey sometimes, how well the blonde could read her. "Or she doesn't want you to get attached."

"That's probably true," she mumbled before she could stop herself. She cleared her throat and shook her head, picking at the edge of her comforter and not meeting Aubrey's eyes.

"Then why are you seeing her?"

"Because I want to be around her Bree. She's the biggest goof that I've ever met and she makes me happy. Really happy."

"Okay. I still don't like her but I'll keep that to myself for now," Chloe smiled, peeking up at Aubrey. She smiled bigger when the blonde started laughing- it was hard to get Aubrey to do that if it was anyone else but her.


"Its only because I care about your happiness, Birdy, and I hope she does too."

Chloe had earned the nickname of Birdy years ago, she'd thought it would be a great idea to jump out of tree. Because,"Mama, the birds can fly, so can I." It resulted in a broken arm and a scar across her forehead but she didn't regret a thing.


Chloe woke up on Saturday night, she wasn't sure what time but the only thing she could hear in her still and quiet house was the crickets, and pounding on her bedroom window. She sat up, feeling like Robert Pattinson was on the other side but no- to her disappointment and happiness- it was Beca. She slid the window open, realising that her friend was hanging from the tree she'd jumped out of when she was little and shook her head,"What the hell?"

"Just let me in Chloe, it's fucking freezing outside and all my stuff is on the ground." Beca's voice was frantic and she instantly moved to the side, taking hold of the tiny girls hand as she helped get her inside. She slammed the window shut afterwards and turned, arms crossed, face illuminated from the fairy lights hanging up in her room.

"You're crazy, you know that? Somebody could've grabbed you, Becs. You're so small and breakable," she mumbled, shaking her head and walking past a shivering Beca to pull a sweatshirt out of her closet, tossing it at her. "Plus you woke me up, so what's going on?"

"The cops came back when I was sleeping, so I grabbed as much of my shit as I could and escaped through the window- I didn't know where else to go and you're home to me so, uhm, I came here."

Chloe figured Beca was sleep deprived from what she just said, so she didn't let herself think to much of it. Instead, she watched Beca pull her sweatshirt over her head and brush her hair out of her face,"But uhm, I'll find, somewhere else to stay."

She frowned instantly because thoughts of how many more nights Beca could come knocking on her window took over and she didn't agree. If Beca felt at home with her, then she wasn't going to make her leave,"Don't worry, Bec, you can stay here, I just have to talk to my parents."

Another thing came across her mind, surely Beca had family members that weren't like her parents, right? Although, she didn't blame the brunette for sticking to herself. She probably had a fear of rejection now, or something. Chloe rubbed her eyes before laying back down on her bed, patting the spot next to her. She watched Beca take off her shoes before climbing in bed next to her, taking Chloe by surprise when she pecked her lips.

A smile spread across her face and she wrapped an arm around the smaller girl,"Get some sleep Becs."



"Chloe Beale, wake up."


Chloe had to stop herself from smiling, she felt Beca's breath hit her cheek, felt her hands on her shoulders. "Baby, wake up."

"Baby?" She asked, a smile on her lips. She blinked her eyes, meeting Beca's and wow. They were really blue this morning, light and free. Not dark like normal.

"I have a feeling you were awake that entire time," Beca grumbled, shaking her head as she kissed Chloe's forehead. "But good morning."

"It certainly is, if a badass like you is calling me baby."

She watched as the brunette playfully rolled her eyes, and then lean into kiss her. She automatically put a hand in-between them, met Beca's raised eyebrows. "Morning breath, Bec, I am not kissing you."

She moved, standing up and walking across the hall and into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, almost halfway done when Beca appeared beside her, her own toothbrush in hand. Chloe handed her the tooth paste with her free hand, and finished with her teeth.

She watched with amusement as Beca tried not to spit in front of her, chuckling slightly when she gagged because she swallowed her toothpaste on accident. She finally gave up though, which made Chloe laugh harder.

"Everyone spits, Becs," she smiled, tucking Beca's messy hair behind her ear and pecking her lips.

"Yeah but, but I look stupid and somehow you make brushing your teeth look perfect."

Chloe rolled her eyes and giggled, kissing Beca's nose and walking into the hall,"You want some pancakes?"

Beca practically sprinted down stairs, yelling at her to hurry up which made her laugh and walk even slower. She was the one who was making them after all.

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