0: - I Don't Understand -

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05/09/17 6:21 P.M.

" I don't understand. "

Those were the first words that left my mouth when my parents told me that we would be moving to Texas. I was surprised. I was angry. But I regretted being angry.

On May 9th, my family began our drive from Oklahoma to Texas. I found it funny, at first I thought, " Cowboys with weird accents that talk like ' Howdy, y'all! ' " To  be quite frank, I regretted this as well. I didn't know what was in store for us, but for me to be exact.

I looked out the windows of the moving van, the wind blowing against my face as we were passing the border to Texas. My home, or should I say my old home, was close to the border; so we were able to at least have a 1-4 hour drive until we arrive.

" Anak*, are you alright...? " My dad asked for the 17th time for the past 30 minutes. I put my head back in the van and simply sighed. I nodded my head to answer.

He didn't respond, unlike the past 16 times I nodded my head. Mother was silent throughout the whole trip from what I remembered, going through Facebook on her iPhone. Heck, I don't even remember if she was on Facebook. It's been a while.

The last thing I remembered that day, after I was sleeping the rest of the way, was when I saw a big house that we parked in front of. Lucky that we actually had a two story house instead of a one story like my old one, haha.... I missed that two story house.

Oh, I guess I didn't introduce myself. I am Halai Ann Reyes Mendoza, 14 Years old, Filipino but born in America and I have congestive heart failure since I was young. This whole story, is about me and my last year on Earth.

*Anak- Meaning child, son/daughter in Tagalog(Filipino).

Hello! I'm Sincerity, the author of Pure, Innocent: Love ;) This story is a romance, teen fiction, tragedy and slight comedy. It may not be the best, but this will be my main work from now on and I will be updating this once a week or two. I will be using some Tagalog words, so I guess you guys will know some Tagalog haha~ ^^

Also, the videos above are music you can listen to while reading the story. MOST of the time, the music's song and lyrics will be accurate according to the chapter being read to depict the same feeling and tone into the plot :)

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