SEVENTEEN / Blink of an Eye

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Tati pleaded as she cried and cried, pulling at Hassan as much as she could. The tears felt hot as they continuously poured down her cheeks, her mouth feeling dry from all the begging and pleading.

"Get the fuck off of me, Tatianna! Get off! Don't make me tell you one more fucking time!" Hassan yelled. 

"I'm sorry, I was going to tell you. But it was nothing, I promise--"

"Nothing? If it was nothin, then shit wouldn't have happened in the first place! Do you think I'm fucking dumb?"

"No I didn't say that! But I swear, Hassan. It really wasn't anything. I love you and you know this!"

"Do I though? Who knows what else you been up to behind my back?"

"Hassan, don't even think about that! You know I've been here since day fucking one, I been ridin' with you since the get-go so don't give me that shit!"

"I CAN give you that shit because I been here for you since day fucking one too, but you never saw me going out and hookin' up with other females! I was here for you AND only you, Tati! I fucking busted my ass and everything to keep you happy and make sure we were good all the damn time!!" He yelled. Tati continued to cry as she held onto his shirt as much as she could, damn near ripping it if she wanted to. "Get the hell off of me, I said!" 

"No! You're not going anywhere until we talk about this!"

"Talk about what? There's nothing to talk about! You spoke loud and clear plantin' your lips on him all like that before even telling me! You let the fucking TV decide for you!"


"Nah don't baby me, alright?! Get off!" He tried to pry her off but she wouldn't bug, leaving him no choice but to forcefully pry her and push her off. His anger had gotten to the best of him as he was doing so, so all the force made Tati hit her back against the wall pretty hard. She slid down the wall as she slightly winced in pain.

"Ow." She said under her breath, but Hassan continued to stand in front of her and look down on her.

"I told you to get off of me."

"You didn't have to push me like that--"

"Oh so you wanna tell me how to handle things around here? Witcho unloyal ass. Out of all fucking people, Tatianna. You know me and that man always had bad blood!" He groaned in anger as he punched the wall above her head and tightly gripped her jaw in his hands. "Don't be out here tryna make me look stupid and shit cause I swear on God I will do everything in my power to make sure you don't see the light of day again."

"Hassan, stop you're hurting me--" He continued to clench harder as his blood boiled in anger. She had never seen this side of him before, but she was beyond scared. She knew she fucked up.  But she didn't think this is how it would go down.

Well, she didn't know at all, actually.

"You ever see him or talk to him again, watch what I'ma do." He aggressively let go of her jaw.


"But what?! Huh? You gon' keep talking back and defending him? Defending the both of ya'll like its somethin' serious?!" He slapped her against the mouth before grabbing her jaw once again. "Matter fact, don't be talking to Alyssa and Steph no more either."

"You can't do that!"

"Oh I can't?" He said before taking her phone and putting it in his pocket. "Yeah the fuck I can. Apparently we both can do whatever the hell we want, sweetie. You made that known."  He kicked her aside by the legs before walking away. 


Tati slowly crept out of bed before tiptoeing into the closet. She quietly pulled her luggage from the side that was still somewhat of a mess from the Vegas trip and began to throw as much of her belongings into it before tiptoeing out of the room. While Hassan was sleeping, she managed to search for her phone, finding it in one of Hassan's drawers.

Did he really think he could hide her phone in their shared space? And try to keep her away from Alyssa?

She didn't think so. 

Requesting an Uber, she tiptoed out of the room quickly as Hassan was moving around in bed and made it down the steps quietly enough to escape the house. 

She couldn't go back there. As much as she loved him, that whole night was way too much for her. He's been giving her the most shit since then and she couldn't take it anymore. 

It was damn near 4AM and Tati found her way hopping out of the Uber and into the airport. She quickly hurried to the counter to see if there were any tickets she could cop for the next flight to San Francisco. 

And luckily, there was. One flight had an extra seat open for her, and they would be boarding soon. She didn't think she'd get a flight this early, hell, she wasn't even sure the airport worked like that.

But it was a clear sign that she needed to get up on outta there.

The flight was going to be another three hours, so Tati figured this was her time to finally get some good, peaceful rest. She just had no idea where she was going to go once she landed because she knew Alyssa and Steph have been too tired to deal with anything since they have twins to raise. She didn't wanna do that to her. 

But who else was she going to turn to?

Things changed so quickly with a blink of an eye.

Sleep never felt so good.

Thinking of the first place to head to, she sighed as she saw the sight of the house and slowly walked up to the door. It was still probably an early start, so she wasn't expecting to get an answer. Nor a very warm greeting. But she needed to be here.

She knocked three times, each knock sounding heavier and heavier just to make sure it was heard. But she didn't think she was gonna be heard at all, so she began to turn to walk away to call another Uber.

"Tatianna?" She quickly turned to face the door and gulped. "What are you doing here?"

"I can't go home."

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