NINETEEN / One Call Away

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"And why are you calling my lady?" Steph asked as he picked up Dray's call to Alyssa.

"Bruh, seriously?"

"Whatchu want?"

"For you to get yo' bigheaded, gap-having-ass off the phone and give it to it's owner."

"She is going to be my wife soon, so I do take partial ownership of this teleph-" Draymond heard Stephen's smart ass get yelled at by his wife in the background, making him chuckle quietly. 

"Wardell, what the hell are you doing answering my calls? Who is that?" Alyssa yelled as she got closer to the phone.

"Draymond. I was just wondering why he was calling--"

"You couldn't wait for me to tell you myself?"

"I was curious--"

"You still gon' be curious when I figure out how to whoop that ass?"

"No ma'am."

"Yeah whoop his ass, Alyssa." Draymond said over the phone as he heard the two fighting over the phone. Finally, he heard Alyssa's voice take over the line, giving him some type of relief.

He knew Steph could play, but he wasn't sure if he'd keep it up today. It was a serious issue that he needed to get to Alyssa and he needed to get it to her fast.

"Hello? I'm sorry Dray, my fiance nosey as hell."

"Yeah we all know." He chuckled. "You finally got a second though?"

"Yeah, whatsup?" She asked. Draymond could already hear the anxiousness building up in her tone. He never really called her like that unless it was absolutely necessary. He sighed before building the courage to be straight up about what's been happening to someone close to her heart. It hurt him to see Tati go through that, so it'd probably cut real deep for Alyssa.

"Tati's here."

"What? Why is Tati here?"

"Look, you can't say nothin' to her, let alone mention that I told you. She was going to tell you sooner or later, but I feel like you had to know asap before things could get worse."

"What's going on Draymond?"

"Hassan has been hitting her, Alyssa. He been puttin' his hands on her since he found out about what happened in Vegas."

"Oh HELL no!" She yelled over the phone. "I'm about to take my ass to Florida, who the fuck does he think he is--"

"Alyssa, come on now." He hushed her. "Stop. That's not gonna do anything right now. Especially not for Tati."

"Goddammit." She said as she sighed heavily and sucked on her teeth. "I knew he had his moments, but I never knew he could take it this far. Is she alright?"

"Yeah, she's fine. She's all washed up and everything, I gave her the chance to freshen up earlier. She's taking a nap right now."

"What time did she get here?"

"Damn near at the crack of dawn. She really packed up her things and upped and left, Lyss. She's scared as hell."

"I know, I know." She sighed again, frustrated and overwhelmed by the news. "Ugh. Does she have any bruises or anything? Is she badly hurt?"

"You want me to be real with you, ma?"

"Yes, always."

"She has a fat bruise on her side. It's pretty bad. And her face has a few visible scratches, some bruising but not as bad as the ones on her body."

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