163 27 58

Word Count: 4393

Hey baes!! So this is my first author's note in this story and I know not many of you will read it but I hope you do.

Thank you to all of you who have been waiting patiently and quietly reading my story. But I hope you can vote and comment a little more.

Mostly, I'd like to thank Cutex_Lightning and
simbaze for reading, commenting and voting for every chapter. ILYGSM ❤❤

Dear ghost readers, I hope to receive your votes soon and thanks again baes! :)

Jacee 😚😚

Chase Jennings

Chapter 7:

All Eddie And No Chase

˝F*ck. Great. Just great. She still doesn't believe me— she's ignoring me. And she isn't responding to my texts or any of my calls. And I don't think that bestie of yours will, either,˝ I spat at my sister.

          She winced at my tone and stared at the floor.

          ˝I can't believe you asked her to go for it! You're such an idiot. Now both of them are going to get hurt and that asshat is going to get away with it again. Again!˝ I yelled.

          She turned pale and rushed out of the room, shutting the door immediately.

          When I had found out that stupid Mitchells was cheating on my girl with Sherella, I flipped. But then I found out that he was just leading the 'mistress' on for sex, and this was why I was like this now.

          That boy still hasn't changed one bit...

          I scowled and punched the wall behind me as hard as I could. All it had left was the pain in my knuckles but I ignored it.

          I dialled the assholes's number, growling in anger for him to pick up.

          ˝Where are you, you f*ckin' prick?˝

          He laughed loudly down the line, ˝In the hospital, bud. You forgot who put me in here?˝

          ˝Don't you dare call me your bud. I'm no where near being your friend you dumbshit! I would never want to be related to someone like you, you dirty scumbag!˝ I scowled.

          He chuckled once again, as if he was predicting my actions, ˝Oh, dear dear Chase. I'm afraid you've forgotten what a great actor I am.˝

          His accent was starting to become thick, and so was his true self starting to show.

          ˝I can make you watch her start to hate you for life. And I'm also capable of breaking that oh-so weak heart of hers into tiny tiny pieces. So you wouldn't be able to help her then. And as for the second girl?˝

          He laughed again, ˝Oh, I'll be done with her soon. Just so to make you watch and regret ever touching her.˝

          Anger turning into annoyance, my pitch raised higher and higher, ˝I said I'm sorry! And it's not only my fault! If you hadn't drove that car of yours into mine, she wouldn't have died. YOU KILLED HER, YOU MURDERER! YOU—˝

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