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Word Count: 5035

Hey baes! You have reached my goal, so here's your reward.

Before we get started, I would like to thank
MessaBoo and
madloverz for being active readers. Thanks! 😉😊

Next, when you guys reach this goal I'll update the next chapter.
Goal: 780 reads and 90 votes.
As of now, I'm only aware of having 6 active voters and 5 active readers. So if you want the update quickly, share this book with your friends and vote and comment on it! Good luck 🙃

Jacee 😚😚

Chapter 8:

More Than One

           It was the day right before the Valentine's Masquerade, a half-schooled Monday. I had a large grin on my face as I walked out of the gates.

           I had stayed back to redo one of my essays for Biology —as usual— and was really looking forward to meeting my boyfriend at his house. Whipping out my phone to text him, I realised I hadn't told him I was going to see him. Hmm... Oh well, it'll be a surprise for him then, I thought excitedly.

          But... Should I get him a gift? If I do, what do I get him? Um...

          Just shut up and get him something that can be thrown away easily! Kasey replied, clearly tired of me fussing over Eddie —even with only a single sentence.

         An image of chocolates crossed my mind, but I didn't know whether he liked them. I mean, Chase and Allen would surely love them, but Eddie? I wasn't exactly sure.

         Ugh, just don't get him anything! Kasey yelled in my head, sounding rather exasperated.

         That's because I am exasperated, you dumb bįtch! She yelled once more. I cringed at the choice of her words before replying, You're insane. Screw that, I'm insane. Kasey replied almost immediately, Glad you know it, hobo.

         ˝I'm going insane,˝ I whispered to myself without rebutting her as I threw my sling bag into the small compartment underneath the seat.

         I decided I would go there empty-handed while sliding over the plastic cover that humans call a seat and revved up the engine, driving off to the address of my boyfriend's house. Adrenaline rushed in my viens and I grinned, letting the strong gust of energy take control of me while my bike sped in the direction of the Bay South Apartment Homes.

          I reached there in almost no time at all and hopped off the bike, grabbed my sling bag before replacing it with my helmet, then skipped into the lobby. I smiled at the guy behind the counter, told him who I was visiting and got into the elevator.

          Soon, I was at the top level, skidding across the red carpet covering the hallway floor. After getting out my spare key, I slid it into the keyhole and unlocked the wooden door. I held my breath, unsure of what my boyfriend's reaction would be. Still, I pushed the door wide open. Shocked would've been an understatement to have caused me to drop my bag in the floor.

          ˝What the f*ck Eddie?!˝ I yelled, the fists by my side trembling in anger.

          He froze on the spot. No, they froze on the spot. Eddie's lips were attached to another girl's neck, his hands on the back of her thighs that were slid across his waist. She was straddling him and her fingers were tangled in his hair. Worst part? That girl was Sherella. My heart broke into a million pieces at the realisation of that, but I locked that feeling away.

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