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Harry POV

Louis left for work leaving me satisfied but wanting to do naughty things to him, the fucker just got up and left as if nothing happened. We'd never done anything like that before but my god I would do it again and again. I don't even know what happened it all happened so fast, there I was just happily relieving myself and he just appears from nowhere and offers a helping hand; who does that?

After sitting in shock for a couple minutes after the front door had slammed I climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom for a shower. While I waited for the water to warm up I took my toothbrush out the holder and squirted on some paste before sticking it in my mouth and brushing. Once my breath was minty fresh and my teeth were squeaky clean I stepped inside the shower as I was still naked from Louis ambush blow job.

I let the water flow effortlessly down my back then onto the cubical floor, my muscles relaxed under the heat as the water washed away all the sweat and dirt. I lathered my body in my Chocolate Lynx body wash and shampooed my hair; I then rinsed all that away and jumped back out the shower cubical feeling clean and fresh. It's rather warm today and I don't need to get dressed until work later so I decided on just boxers until I have to change into my work clothes. I pulled on a pair of Calvin's' then made my way downstairs and into the kitchen; all that panting and misbehaviour this morning worked up an appetite.

I grabbed some bread from the cupboard and placed it in the toaster before grabbing a bottle of water out the fridge and taking a mouthful. Having the bottle tip in my mouth reminded me of having Louis' mouth wrapped around my tip and how good it felt as he swirled his tongue sucking and licking around my head. I felt a twitch in my pants and looked down to see just the pure thought of what happened this morning had gotten me hard all over again. I don't know what it is about the blue eyed boy but he gets my heart racing.

The toaster popped up making me jump, I placed hand on my heart catching my breath then grabbed the butter from the fridge and I knife from the draw. I spread some butter onto my toast and then put the butter back away. I then grabbed my bottle of water and toast of the side not bothering to get a plate and made my way into the living room. It is a bit of a mess as Louis isn't exactly the cleanest of people but I'm not being his slave cleaning his shit up.

I picked the remote up from the side of the couch and turned on the TV, I channel surfed for about 10 minutes before I finally found something somewhat decent to watch. I left the channel on Animal Planet and was watching something to do with sharks when my phone buzzed next to me. I picked it up and swiped the screen showing I had a text from my friend and work colleague Niall.

From Niall

Hey Hazza, You in work today?

I wanna see that fine ass of yours

let me know so I can make myself look pretty

Nialler xx

I haven't known Niall for very long, only about 6months or something but ever since I met him we've always bantered back and forth. He is gay like me and isn't afraid to show it. When we're working I normally catch him staring at me or he'll give me a cheeky wink before grabbing my ass. I don't mind though; Niall's cute and I wouldn't mind giving him one! I clicked the reply button and typed away a new message.

To Niall

Yes Ni I am in work today

you will be seeing this fine ass

and you look pretty everyday

Haz xx

Niall and I texted back and forth for a couple hours while we both watched TV or listened to music, we get along really well considering we've only known each other a few months but that's good because I would have hated it if things were awkward.

Lunch time rolled around and I headed into the kitchen to make a sandwich, I've got to be in work by 2 so if I make something now then I won't have to eat while I'm there. I had just pulled the bread out the cupboard when I heard the front door open and shut and Louis' voice boom through the house; he's so loud!

"Harry I'm home!"

"In the kitchen, you hungry?" I called back

I didn't hear a response so I looked behind me and in the doorframe of the kitchen I saw Louis standing there biting his bottom lip looking me up and down.  I looked down at my body and realised I was still lounging around in my boxers. I looked back up and Louis and smirked.

"You like what you're seeing aye?" I winked and his face reddened a little. "So you never said whether you were hungry or not!"

"I know what I'd like to eat." he smirked and ran his tongue along his bottom lip before biting down on his bottom lip again.

Oh no he's not having his way with me again; this time it's my turn. I left the bread on the counter and slowly walked in his direction. My pants were getting tight already from all the naughty thoughts floating around in my head with what I was about to do. When I got close enough I pushed Louis hard against the wall behind him and brought his hands up above his head, I held them both there with just one of my larger hands while I used my other hand to palm him over his already tight trousers.

Louis threw his head back and leant it against the wall so I took this as my opportunity to attach my lips to his neck. I left small wet kisses from the back of his earlobe all the way down his neck to his collarbone. He moaned and moved underneath me which only encouraged me to continue what I was doing. Still only using the one hand I unbuttoned his trousers and slipped my hand inside taking a hold on his fully erect pole.

Louis moaned loudly into my ear as he tried to wriggle away but I wasn't about to let that happen. I bit down on his neck and sucked a deep dark red mark as I twisted my wrist up and down his throbbing shaft. I could feel his pre-come dripping out and over the top of my hand; I used this to my advantage and used the pre-come as lube as I continued moving my hand up and down while using my thumb to massage his head. Louis seemed to like this as his breathing became irregular and uneven.

"OH DAMN. SHIT. FUCK! Haz I'm gunna." he panted between breaths.

I fastened my pace as I took another bite on his neck and slowly made my way down to his collar again this time I left a mark where it would been seen. I thrusted my hand faster up and down his shaft until I felt an explosion of wet warm liquid drip down the top of my hand and into his boxers.

I released my grip on Louis' hands and removed my hand from his trousers, as soon as I let go it looked as though his legs were going to give out from under him. I chuckled to myself as I made my way over to the kitchen side and washed my hands in the sink. Once my hands were clean I continued to make a sandwich for both Louis and I then put the bread away.

"That was amazing!" Louis breathed into my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me. "The things I want to do to you right now, I just want to."

"Cant babe, got work." I smirked using his words from earlier and handed him a sandwich before exiting the kitchen and making my way upstairs to get dressed.

I didn't bother to turn around to see his expression so I just continued upstairs and grabbed my work clothes. I received a message from Niall saying he'd pick me up in five so I rushed down stairs and slipped my shoes on as I finished my last bite of my sandwich.

"You are such a tease!" Louis accused as he stood leaning against the living room doorframe.

"I learnt from the best." I smirked before placing a small kiss on his cheek and headed out the door into Niall's awaiting car. 

Fornication [BoyxBoy One Direction] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now