+ Sumbit A Book.

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Below are the forms for submitting a book to be featured in the club.

Please read the rules before submitting any forms, because anybody who does not follow the rules will not be accepted, and therefore won't make it into the book club.


Form For Writers :
(Use this form if you are the author of your submission for the book club)

Author: (ex. @girlinyournightmares)

Title: (ex. Deadly Springs)

Genre: (ex. Short Story)

Length: (ex. completed // four chapters)

Password: (no example because you should've read the rules. . .)

Anything Else? :


Form For General Submissions :
(Use this form if you are not the author, but still want to submit something for the book club)

Author: (ex. @girlinyournightmares)

Book Title: (ex. After The Storm)

Genre: (ex. Romance)

Length: (ex. twenty chapters // completed)

Password: (no example, refer to the rules. . .)

Reason For Submission: (ex. this book has completely changed my outlook on the LGBT+ community, and I believe it is worth sharing!)

Anything Else? :


That's everything I can think of for now!

See you Sunday!!

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