Chapter 9

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Peppy's View

What employed Andy..?

I don't wanted that something made he sad.

And what the hell had happened there,out of our cabinet?

I sighed and hugged him a bit more. I hear his Heart beating and smiled a bit.

Sad,that he never would feel something for me...

My smile faded.

Why should he do that?

Why should anyone do that?

It stayed how it ever had been.

I wasn't good enough.

And I would never be.

Then Andy laid two fingers under my chin and lift it to his face.

I saw confused to his eyes.

He smiled a bit,but then the smile fade. "What is it? Please tell me..."

I said nothing.

He would hate me...

My eyes found the floor.


He stroked my cheek.

Tears burned in my eyes.

I don't wanted to cry now.

I don't wanted him to see that.

If I would tell him,he wouldn't like me anymore.

The tears fell down along my cheeks.

"Fuck..",I whispered and he hugged me again.

Then I cried on his chest and he stroke my head gently.

"Maybe I can help you..."

His voice was carefully.

I shook my head.

"There is for everything help...

But when you don't want to tell me...I can understand."

I looked to his eyes.

"It's not that I don't want to..."

I whispered again 'cause I had no voice. "I can't..."

He nodded.

"I understand,darling."

I swallowed.

"Why do you call me the whole time darling?"

He shrugged.

"Because I like you very much."

Then he smiled and stroked my cheek again.

I cuddled again with him and a few minutes later we went out of the cabinet.I was calmed and smiled shyly to him.

"Thank you."

He took his arms around me again.

"No Problem,honey."

My heart bet faster.

Then he released me and put his trousers on,grinning to me.

I smiled,again and put my shorts on,too.

We slept both just in shirts and underwear,so I took my clothes on and saw a mirror,watched for my hair and grinned.

I was looking like I would had sex.

Andy's hands found my hips and he stood behind me.

"What's so funny?",he smiled and laid his chin on my head.

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