Chapter Three

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Hey everyone! Please vote if you like the chapter, votes are what keep me writing :) also feel free to leave a comment on anything - good or bad I want to hear feedback on what you think of Derik, and the story in general :)

---now on to the story---

I sat back in my chair, shock obvious to those around me from the flapping of my mouth with no sound escaping.

“B-but,” I stammered, not able to comprehend much of anything right now, “I’m not powerful! There must be a mistake I don’t know very much and… and…”

“Cameron,” the man started, only to be cut off by one of the other Council members who had been quiet up till now… well, all of them had been quiet till now with the exception of the one who hadn’t. if that makes sense. As I said my mind is very jumbled right now.

“Cameron, have you not been listening? There are locks on your abilities, which we will take off and you will be the most powerful wizard alive. The only thing you will lack is training… which we will provide.”

“So you just expect me to want this?” I said angrily, “you think you can just barge in and I’m just gonna be all ‘yeah, make me the strongest wizard alive, make me stay here and train for God knows how long, make me take on this evil which you haven’t even told me what it is yet. I like my life very much the way it is, I don’t feel like dying thank you! Heck, I don’t even know any of your names and you‘re expecting me to just change my life for you? What if you‘re wrong?” I said, finally expressing my true fears, “what if I’m not the one you need?”

“We will give you time to think about it Cameron. It will only take about two weeks of training, as we have done our best to make sure you are educated in all the genres of magic. Once you get your full powers all the spells in every genre will be available for you to learn and master in quick succession. And to address your other concerns, you would not be here if we were not one hundred percent sure you are the one. You may leave now, there will be a limousine at your shop tomorrow at six o‘clock in case you do decide to take up our offer. We will inform you of what exactly your mission is tomorrow.”

“Awesome,” I rolled my eyes, “a limo. Are you trying to bribe me?”

“That is a possibility.” The man said, a twinkle in his eye.

“Well… it’s not gonna work. If I choose to accept it’ll be because I want to, not because of some limousine.”

“Of course,” spoke up the first man again, “see you tomorrow Cameron.”

“Yeah… we’ll see,” I mumbled, taking my leave.


I pulled into my driveway, shivering like a Hawaiian taking a dip in the Arctic.

“Thank God I have a fireplace” I said out loud, walking inside.

“Yes, thank God I don’t know what I’d do without it.” Said a familiar voice coming from the kitchen.

“Derik!” I laughed, “How the heck did you get in?”

“Your non-existent cleaning lady left the door unlocked,” came the reply.

“But, you’re my cleaning lady!” I joked, walking into the kitchen.

“Haha that’s very funny you should write a joke book, someone may even buy a copy.”

“Sheesh, someone’s in a sarcastic mood,” I laughed, “why are you here?”

“Well I wanted some Ramen soup, and your house is about as far as the grocery store. But the thing is, the grocery store charges money, which I seem to not want to give them.” he said, giving me a hug. I laughed,

“Yeah well maybe I should start charging you too. I’d make a fortune.”

“Nah,” he grinned, “I’d just go to my moms.”

“Uh, you do know your mom lives in Florida, right?” I pointed out.

“Yup.” He said, without a trace of a smile on his face.

“And… we live in… New York… that’s quite a drive for Ramen noodles.” I said, wondering if he was serious.

“Hey, I know that. When it comes to Ramen I don’t play around.” He said, a grin finally popping onto his face.

“Ah, well at least now I know why you moved to New York with me. Too lazy to get your own soup!”

“You caught me. Where were you? I wasn’t aware flower shops were open on Sundays.”

“They aren’t. Well, mines not at least. But hey I’m allowed to have a life! Geez.”

“Uh, since when? I told you no life without me involved. Goodness do I have to beat it in to that thick skull of yours again?”

“Derik, you haven’t been able to beat me up since preschool…” I reminded him.

“Nah, I just haven’t tried since then.” He winked.

“Yeah, sure bro whatever you say. Hey I gotta hop in the shower. I’d tell you to make yourself at home, but you always do anyway whether I tell you to or not,” I smiled.

“Hey, what are best friends for if not to eat each other’s soup?” He said. I laughed,


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