Chapter Four

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Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I sat up in bed. I looked at the clock - 6:30, good. Making myself some cereal I recalled yesterday’s events. All that bull about saving the world and such. How stupid do they think I am? There’s got to be some sort of trick, there is no way I’m anything other than normal old Cameron Machlis, barely coherent Wizard and owner of a flower shop. A flower shop for crying out loud. Aren’t heroes supposed to be cool, good looking, and… not me?


I heard from outside my window, and grabbed my backpack knowing it was Derik picking me up on his way to work. Just like every business day. Wake up, ride with Derik, work the shop, ride with Derik, go to sleep, repeat.

“Hey,” Derik greeted me as I got into his car, a classic dark green ‘72 Chevy Stepside.

“Wassup,” I replied, buckling up.

“Why do you always buckle?” He questioned me, “I’ve never once gotten you into an accident in all these years of me driving you everywhere you want to go like a nanny.”

Smirking, I replied.

“Nope, you haven’t gotten me into an accident. Yet. You should try buckling up, it really won’t hurt. Or maybe you‘re just too scared. It might chafe your sensitive neck… pretty boy.” He’s always been the good looking heart-breaker type. But I don’t mind, it just gives me more ammo when I’m teasing him.

“And besides, is this real wood upholstery?” I questioned.

“Of course!” He replied, shocked that I would even ask. “It’s also the original upholstery I’ll have you know!”

“Okay, good,” I grinned, knocking on it, “wouldn’t want to jinx anything and have you get whiplash in your pretty little neck.”

“Hey don’t be jealous now, you know I can’t help it that I’m so gosh darn good looking.” He looked at me, fluffing his hair like the supermodel he thinks he is. I laughed,

“Yeah whatever you say buddy, shut up and drive.”


Sitting in my big red comfy chair at the shop, I heard the door ring and looked up to see the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I mean like crazy drop dead gorgeous. Not one of those chicks that your friend will brag about and then you find out later he must have been drunk when he saw her to call her beautiful. This lady was literally making me sweat. She was blond, with little ringlets and the reddest lips I have ever seen. She was wearing sweat pants and a white tank-top, but I swear she stepped right off of the TV.

“Hi…” I gulped, “I’m Cameron.” She smiled at me, the most sweet million-dollar smile I had ever seen,

“Hi, I’m Karla, and I’m buying flowers.” Shaking my head I replied,

“Of course. What are you looking for?”

“I want something that says Thank You. I have a concert tonight and I want to thank my voice instructor.” She said.

“Of course, what size are you looking for?” I gestured to the price chart behind me.

“A mixed assortment please… the $12 pack. Just put whatever ones you think would be best.”

“Of course, I’ll be right back,” I said, walking to the back room. She laughed,

“You say ‘of course’ a lot,” she called out as I retreated. I turned around,

“Of co-… uh… I’m sorry, I usually don’t, it’s just I’m kind of… preoccupied right now.” I turned back around. Looking through all the flowers I had I couldn’t find any good enough for her, so I looked to make sure she wasn’t watching, took the best flowers I could find, put them in a vase, and mumbled an incantation under my breath. Watching as the flowers got bigger, plumper, and more colorful I smiled and walked out back into the lobby to find that there was another man in my shop. I handed Karla the flowers and said,

Here you go, they’re the best ones I have. Sir, I‘ll be right with you.” I said, looking at the man, who nodded. She gasped,

“They’re amazing! Thank you so much!” She dug around in her purse, pulling out a bill,

“Do you have change for $100?” The man looked over at the money, then reached into his coat and pulled out a gun screaming

“Give me the money and you won’t get hurt!”

“I’m not going to do that. You should leave.“ I told him. He looked at me, looking slightly panicked and put the gun closer to my face, cocking it, and I scrambled to empty the register into a bag he supplied me. After I was done he looked over to Karla, saying

“You too, princess. Empty it!” Karla complied, trembling and trying not to look scared. He walked around the counter, getting behind me and pressing the gun to my head, you’re not holding out on me, are you sugar? Wouldn’t want anything to happen to prince Charming here, would you?” She shook her head frantically,

“No! That’s it, I swear!”

“Yeah well this guys hoping you’re not lying. Dump it on the counter.” Again she complied, and the contents of her purse proved to be nothing more than some makeup and gum, a bottle of mace and other assorted things.

“Lucky you!” The man smiled at me, “You get to go home tonight.”

“Yay…” I replied, trying to look happy about losing so much money.

“You don’t sound very happy,” the man frowned, “Maybe you’d rather sleep six feet under the ground tonight?” He pressed the gun tighter against my head.

“You know, technically I wouldn’t be sleeping in the ground for another week or so. And you‘re very annoying,” I said dropping to one knee and wrapping my arm around the back of his legs, yanking towards me and reaching up to punch his stomach with the other hand at the same time. He fell to the ground and his gun clattered across the floor, he looked at me, his face contorting into a look of hatred as we both scrambled to get to the gun. I reached it first but the man grabbed my wrist and we both wrestled to get control of it and keep it pointing away from ourselves. All of a sudden a hissing sound came out of nowhere and my eyes started burning the most intense pain I had ever felt. Next to me I heard a man scream in pain and I realized that he had been hit by the mace as well.

“I got the gun!” Karla screamed happily. Groaning, I replied,

“Good, now call the police. And don’t take your eyes of that man.”


Ten minutes later I was sitting in my comfy chair again, this time talking to a police officer and recounting the recent events to him.

“And then Karla shot mace into… both of our eyes. Hurt like hell but I think she saved both of our lives.” I finished telling my story. The cop looked at me

“It wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t taken him down first. You both probably saved both your lives. This man is an escaped convict, convicted of two murders and suspected of three others. I don’t doubt he would have done away with you.”

“Good Lord…” I mumbled, shocked at what I had just been told. “And here I chose running a flower shop because it’s so boring and nothing ever happens in them.” The cop laughed,

“Well, now you know that crimes can happen anywhere. Thanks for your cooperation, we’ll be in touch.” I walked over to Karla, who had just finished giving her statement to another police officer who was walking out with the other.

“Thanks for what you did back there. You were very brave.” I started. She looked at me,

“Please, don’t. We both we brave, and we are still breathing because of it. Now how about those flowers?” I laughed at how she could go back to thinking of her flowers after all this.

“Right. Lemme see about that change.”

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