Part Two- Off to Seattle We Go

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Picture of Cayden on the side <3

Cayden's POV

The girls and I gathered up the few things we had and fit them into one of our small backpacks. We threw a few outfits and some water into the bag and an assortment of blankets. "Ready to go?" Callie said, hoisting our bag on her shoulder. "Yeah." Clara and I answered, nodding. We rushed down the stairs so we were in front of the pack house before Beta John or our father saw us. Callie threw the backpack on the ground and shifted into her pure white wolf, ripping her clothes in the process. Clara and I followed suit, except, unlike the twins, my wolf was black. I snatched the bag off of the ground and into my mouth. we heard our father howl and we headed over to the woods. Goodbye California, hello Seattle, Washington. 

Sky's POV 

*Next Day*

My alarm went off and I groaned in annoyance. Whhhhhyyyy? I cracked open my eyes and I was still sitting in my window, holding onto Steven for dear life. I groaned again and stood up,  setting Steven back down and making sure he was comfortable. i stretched and heard a few bones pop. Bleh. I trudged over to my closet, not bothering to take a shower since i took one before I went to sleep. 

After  arguing with myself for about five minutes (out loud), I decided to wear skinny jeans and a long brown sweater that hung down to my knees and let my wavy brown hair be free. i ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

*Thirty Minutes later* 

The bus that picks me up for school everyday honked, announcing it's arrival. I grabbed my  school bag and ran out the door, rushing into the crowded (and smelly) bus. "SKY!!!!" My bestie, Erica, yelled from the back of the bus, waving her hands around like a maniac. After I said hello to the driver, I walked to the back and plopped beside Erica. "So how's life?" I asked, pulling out my phone and launching Temple Run. "Well, I heard that we are getting some new students, maybe there will be some cute boys!" Erica gushed. Erica had her straight blond hair covered by a purple beanie that complimented her paint splattered jeans and white T-shirt. Erica is VERY artistic. "You are so desperate." I said, chuckling as her pale face grew red. I had given up on guys when I caught my ex snogging some Barbie's face off. "I am not desperate." Erica whined, jutting out her bottom lip. I just rolled my eyes and put away my phone as the driver informed us that we were almost at school. 

Kind of a filler chapter, but part three will come out soon! I solemnly swear.....I am up to no good. -Hal

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