Ode to Overwatch

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Nothing is just what it is,
Video games are no exception.
What a wonder it is
To feel such emotion
For these things
That don't exist.
Outside of imagination these
Are nothing but a whisper
That never became a shout

Everyone is so different.
Anyone can be a hero,
After all
"The world could always use more heroes"
In these times of
Hate and judgement,
A hero seems to be
Exactly what people need.

With a story so rich
It never leaves my brain,
These thoughts have no off switch.
And these feelings
Which every sentance
Each hero says evokes
Are unbelievable.
They leave me with

Every personality is so
That these characters
Invade my dreams.
And every thought of them
Is like a ray of sunshine
That peeks out between
The stormy sea of clouds.

A bubble of happiness
Rises and bursts
At every little
Or laugh
Flowing from the mouths
Of these characters.

This happiness never leaves me.
These characters
Can't let me be.
But I like that,
It keeps me happy.

I know this isn't a one shot, but I wanted to share this with you guys! For a project in my Language Arts class we had to write an ode, but we could make it about whatever we wanted. So, I chose to make mine about Overwatch!

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