Part 6

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Bursting through my front door I shut it behind me kicking my shoes off in the process and make my way up the stairs.
I love my flat. It's not big . It's not small . It's a two bedroom first floor flat which has two beautiful tall windows in the living room . Part of the reason I got this place. Oh and it has a dining room which I have converted into an art studio / library. It's nothing much , but it's what I call home.

Switching the kettle on I grab a cup and start to prepare a coffee. Pulling my hair into a messy ponytail I take my phone from my pocket to call Holly.

"Hey .Ava ! No chit chat , I want all the details , so spill ! " Holly spilled through the phone. Not even giving me a chance to greet her back.

Taking a big sigh I pick up my coffee and head for the couch, sinking into the cold leather.

Hello to you too Holly ! ... Oh god I don't even know where to start, my head is all over the place.... Well , you know the actor in Sherlock right ? I gingerly respond.

Oh yeah , cumber something right ? H

Yeah , that's him. Well he sort of is my tutor at university for this year. A

Ok.... So you have a famous dude as a tutor? What's really on your mind Ava ? H

Well... I think I may have a small crush. A Admitting it out loud causing me to blushing slightly. I place my coffee on the table and sink into the couch.

Oh , now I see the problem. Why don't you just tell him? What's to lose ? H

I can't just tell him Holly ! He is a famous actor, and I'm .... well ,just me.

Our chat went round in circles for at least an hour before we said our goodbyes, coming to the conclusion I would keep this to myself . It's just a crush. Sighing I make my way over to my desk and make a start on the coursework .

Sleep came and went and before I knew it I was walking through the train station following my usual routine to the coffee shop.

Wrapping my coat around me I pull a cigarette from my pocket and begin to light.

" Morning Ava, on your way for a coffee? "

Looking up I was greeted by Benedict smiling as he exhaled the smoke from his cigarette in hand.

" Oh hey Benedict .. I am yeah , you ?" Smiling I turn to him readjusting my bag.

" As always , is it ok to join you ? I have a proposition for you which I would like to ask you about."

"Yeah sure " I smiled before we made our way towards the coffee shop. Large caramel latte .. I'm addicted to these things.

" Right so , about this propitiation . After looking at some of your work and participation during class i was wondering if you would be interested in helping me out with some demonstration / life drawing classes for our undergraduates. ? "

" Eh , what exactly would I have to do ? No nakedness right?" I blush slightly asking the question.

" Ah no ! Not at all , it will only be a little acting before holding the pose for the class to sketch" Benedict chuckled.

" oh , ok .. yeah sure that sounds alright to me"

" Great ! Thank you ! .. are you free at say 3pm today and we can go though some bits so you are not going into this blind?" Benedict stopped walking  before turning to me.

" Yeah 3pm sounds good to me , your office or class?"

" Brilliant!, Class will be better , we will need some space."

Smiling we say are goodbyes and head to our classes. My stomach is going wild with nerves and excitement. My only worry is ... I can't act to save my life !

Travel Plans- Benedict CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now