Part 2

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Stepping off the train into a city I have longed to be back in . The familiarity of the train station gave me a smile , recalling all the memories from years before . The people , parties and the small coffee shop located round the corner . Not much has changed.
Taking the same route as old times I stop off for a coffee , making my way to the University.

It's just how I remember it . Big double doors presenting you to an enormous room filled with rows of seats . Previous students artwork posters neatly placed on the walls. And the stage. It was beautiful . Ornate designs flurried around the wall creating a fancy picture frame. The building was once a theatre before it was purchased by the university. Most of the original features sadly have been taken out , but this stage remains. A beautiful stamp of the past. And because of this , it's one  of my favourite rooms. I spent 3 years admiring this stage. Slowly walking down the stairs , I take a seat , waiting for this lecture to start.

Ok , so . I think I should get you guys up to speed while we wait. My name is Ava Jenson. I am 25 and currently 5 weeks into studying my masters in Fine Art. (Which you have already gathered). I live in a small town miles away from university . Why you may ask ? Because I have a job in a small shop and have a house at home. Moving back down to university for a year , I didn't want to lose these. It would of felt like starting all over again , something I am not ready to do . Plus ... Anyone ever moved house ? It's a bitch isn't it !? So many bloody boxes !!! .... Anyway ! Back to my introduction .
So , I travel to university. Waking at 4:30am each morning and not returning home till 8pm through the week. Saturday's and Sunday's are shop days , so it's all go go go every week, every day . Must think I'm crazy huh?

Travel Plans- Benedict CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now