Part 7

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My stomach has been doing flips all day . I have not been able to stop thinking about it. I'm so nervous about the meeting with Benedict I'm stood just outside the university gates smoking the third cigarette in a row trying to calm myself down. It's the acting. I'm going to be working with a pro, the most I have done is be an extra for a tv show when I was a kid. Yes .. I know , it's only for a class of undergraduate students. I really shouldn't be so worked up.
Exhaling the smoke one final time I stub out the cigarette , push my hands back into my coat and make my way back into university.

Before I knew it I was face to face with the class door . Knocking gently I wait a few seconds before entering the room. The class was empty , Benedict was nowhere to be seen. I'm early.Letting out the breath I didn't realise I was holding I make my way over to a desk at the front of the class and take a seat on top , placing my bag next to me.
I sat there for a good ten minutes before I could hear faint singing . I smile as is gets louder, it's not the best singing in the world but whoever it is was really into the song. I chuckle before shifting making myself more comfortable.

The door to the classroom swung open and in came Benedict singing with a stack of papers under his arm.
" Oh , hey Ava...sorry I hope you have not waited long I needed to get these printed for us to work from" he greeted while walking over to his desk and placing the papers on top.

" It's no problem , I have not been here long don't worry about it " I smile shifting myself from the desk and walking towards him.

He picked up a booklet of papers and handed me them with a small smile. " These are for you , it's basically a mini script with small changes so you know when to hold position for the students ."

Nodding in response I took the papers and headed towards a table to read through . Wow this seemed a lot . I'm no actor , and I have a memory like a gold fish, I'm never going to remember all this . Benedict seemed to see the fear on my face while I was reading through.
" Hey , don't worry about it, it's not as long and scary as you think ,you will pick it up in no time" he smiled while making his way over with his script taking a seat opposite me whilst picking up his glasses to read.
" Why don't we have a read of the first scene then we can make a start? "

" Sure" I gave him a small smile and turn the first page.

Time seemed to stand still as we sat there together reading though. The room was silent, the only sound was of pages turning and the distant sound of students chatting from the corridor. I looked up and snuck a glance at Benedict. He sat leaning forward into the script , his shirt sleeves rolled up and a look of concentration on his face. The light seemed to illuminate his features from the side. He was beautiful. This would of been perfect to paint.
Looking down quickly before he realised I was staring I go back to reading .

" So , Ava ... tell me about yourself " Benedict barely whispered breaking the silence.

" Errm , I don't really know what to say , what do you want to know ? " I questioned giving him a quick glance before looking back down.

" Well anything really , start with the generic stuff , where your from , age ... that sort of stuff " He chuckled.

" Ah , ok. Well ... I'm 25 from a small town not too far from here . Well saying that it takes me 3 hours to get here . I paint , draw , read and listen to music ... nothing exciting really" i gave a small laugh .

" Well Ava , I think your interesting . " Benedict smiled at me. We seemed to just stop. Both looking at each other. I didn't know what to say . I could feel my cheeks start to heat up , flushing a pale pink . Looking down I mutter a small thank you. Benedict chuckled shuffling his papers .

We sat there for 3 hours , reading and eventually chatting. No work got done after the first hour. We sat getting to know each other , laughing and joking before it was nearly time for my train home. He was an amazing man full of knowledge and well .. terrible jokes you can't help laughing at .
As it was late Benedict offered to walk me to the train station as it's on his way home.

" Here we are , thank you for walking me Benedict , you didn't have to." I thanked him while finishing my cigarette.

" You're welcome Ava , it's no problem." He paused taking a drag of his cigarette and slowly blowing it out. " Before I go , here is my number . Just incase you have any questions. Or need any help " he blushed slightly whilst handing me a piece of folded paper.

I nodded , thanked him and we said our goodbyes . And made my way into the train station and started my journey, smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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