Chapter 54 - you are perfect for me

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<Michelle's POV>

"You have to tell me what happen to my eyes. I deserve to know the truth and i need to know, Please." Luke begs. "Calm down, I'll call Doctor cox first? So she could check on you."Ashton said, i know he is trying to direct the attention away as he immediately steps out of the room calling for Doctor Cox. " I am fine right? I know i am." He said as he forced out a fake smile which breaks my heart because this might come as a shock to him. " Guys, i am in an extremely calm right now, so would you please tell me what is wrong with me?" He said in a calm tone but knowing Luke, he is gonna get agitated when he hears the truth because he is basically saying his calm because he wants answers, he wants the truth to be heard. I couldn't bare to see one of close friends in such a upsetting state. No one dares to answer his questions because they have no idea what to say, when i look at Calum and Michael they both had blanked expression on their faces because it upsets them to see their bestfriend like that.  " This is temporary only right? I know it is." Luke adds again and my break broke for the one hundred time, his little bit of hope for something good, breaks my heart.  Michael sighs loudly and cleared his throat before speaking. "Yeah Buddy, it is. You'll be fine in a few days" Michael said and shake his head, he didn't know what to do but lie straight in his best friend's face. The Doctors aren't even sure if its temporary or permanent. Someone opened the door and there reveal a young lady in a white coat, her hair tied up in a pony tail, long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, flawless skin, beautiful smile. I looked at her name plate and its says Dr Cassia Cox. "This is Doctor Cox, She'll be doing a check up so we'll have to wait outside." Ashton said and we followed him out leaving Luke in the ward.

"Did you see the way he reacted? I hate to see him behave like this, i had to lied straight in front of him it doesn't feel good. We can't keep lying to him." Michael said and sigh. "Don't worry guys, i told Doctor Cox not to tell anything to Luke for now." Ashton said. "What about Ana, how are we gonna tell her?' I asked and everyone looks at me. "She is the least we need to worry about now babe," Calum said and i nod because he does make a point. "We cancelled the show, we'll be flying back to Sydney on Sunday." "Excuse me." A feminine british voice said. "Doctor Cox," Everyone greeted. "Luke is fine for now, we are still unsure about his eyes, its hard to tell. Its a 50 percent chance of him being unable to see forever or just temporarily. We will refer Luke back to Sydney hospital. He can be discharge tomorrow for the preparation to refer him back to sydney. " She said and gave us a sympathetic smile. I looked at her and let whatever she said sink in. 50 percent chance..... The four of us went back into the ward to see Luke sitting up and not doing anything. "What did the doctor say?" Luke asked almost immediately when he heard the door swing open. "She just said you'll be referred to Sydney hospital, you'll be fine she said." I said and he froze at the comment i made. "Michelle?" Luke said as i looked at the rest with an arch brow. "Yes?" I said. "Guys, i need 3 minutes with Michelle, alone." He said and the rest left the room. "Whatsup Lucas?" I said as i walked towards him and gave him a hug. He returned one back and after the release, i sat on the chair provided next to the bed. "Luke, i know you will get better, as long as you don't give up, there is always hope to get better." I said and he grabs my wrist. " I know i will too, for her." he said and i looked at him, its touching how he still thinks of her in such a traumatic state. "Can i ask you something?" Luke asked and i can almost predict what was he gonna asked.

"How is she? Does she hate me? i think she does." Luke said and i didn't know what to say. "Ana is not so well, her eyes were all red and bloodshot when i picked her up. She doesn't Luke, she never will." I said because i understand Ana too well.  " Its all my fault, would you please keep this accident away from her? You know how she will blame herself for all this, i don't want her to blame herself, i want her to feel happy because i sure wasn't the one that made her feel happy." Luke said and i couldn't speak, "Luke, she still loves you." I said because that was the only thing i could say and i was for sure right about. He doesn't say anything and the room was filled with awkward silent. "Hey michelle, this is just between us alright? I'm really tired, I'm gonna rest alright? Can you pass the message to the rest telling them to go home and rest? I know they are tired, the nurses here can take care of me. You guys need rest and i know the jetlag is setting in for you michelle, go back and rest." He said, even though he was in such a situation he was as thoughtful as hell, "I'll see you tomorrow Luke." I stood up and gave him a hug. 

*Later that night*

I was lying on Calum's lap because tiredness was setting in, i was worried for Luke and tired at the same time, Calum was stroking my hair as usual, I miss this feeling. Most importantly i missed him the most. "Babe?" He said. "Yeah?" "I never thought i would ask you this, because i didn't have a chance too, why was Joshua at your house the other day i called?" He said and i immediately sat up so i could look him in the face. "He was there because you didn't pick up, i had those nightmares and i needed you and you weren't there cal," I said as i looked down at my fingers. He cups his large hands on my face and made me face him. "I'm sorry i wasn't there. I'm sorry i made you feel alone." He said as i climbed onto his lap and sat on them. I wrapped my arms around his neck as i kissed his forehead, nose and lips. "You don't have too. Its wasn't your fault." I said, i admit that i sounded a little harsh previously but i didn't meant it. I think about that night and remember that incident of how Joshua almost kissed me. I shouldn't tell calum, he will get mad. "I'm so glad you are here, back in my arms" he said and i smiled. "Me too, its my favourite place to be in."

<Isabella's Pov>

1 week since Michelle and the boys were back home and Michelle has finally spoke to me, i hardly talk to my own boyfriend too, i felt extremely distant from him, but tonight they had a gathering at Michelle's place. I wonder what's the occasion. I waited for Ashton so he could drive me there. I heard the honked outside and i immediately rushed out, I slide in into his car and allowed the paper kites to flood my ears and the atmosphere in the car.  I really wanted to bring up the question about why were we so distant, what happened? Was he hiding something from me? But i didn't want to ruin the mood, i should just ask him later. We pulled by Michelle's house and i stroll towards her gate and knocked, Calum opens the door and i allowed myself to, I see everyone here except Ana and Luke, Michael/ But i guess the reason for Luke and Ana not being around was because they weren't on good terms so Michelle didn't invite them? I took my seat next to Kyra and she was rather confused as well about why were we here. Michelle came down from her room with Michael and Luke."Wait, what? Luke is here..." I whispered to Kyra. " i didn't know... i thought he wasn't." She said as i looked at michael helping Luke down, I see a cast on his leg and i went wide eye. "What happen?" I asked and everyone looks at me and looks away. Okay.... thanks for ignoring me guys.....Michael helps Luke onto the couch as he sat next to him and michelle sitting next to Calum and ashton next to me. "Guys...." Michelle said to me and Kyra. "I'm sorry i lied, i didn't go to London for my dad, i went to London because of Luke." She said and i was confused as hell. "What do you mean because of Luke?" Kyra said. "Look, Luke got into an accident and now the Doctors don't even know if he wouldn't be able to see forever or what okay?' Michael said and i was shocked. Luke blind?! Can't see?! I looked at Kyra and she froze, she didn't know how to react and so did i. 

<Luke POV>

Michael and Michelle announced the news about my eyes to the girls , "Hey, as long as you keep it from Ana alright?" i said . I really wanted to keep it away from here, I don't want her to feel bad. I want her to feel happy again because i wasn't the one to make her happy. "We'll go set up the table for dinner alright?" Ashton said and  i heard footsteps moving away from me. I know i was alone in the living room area as all of them were helping out in the kitchen, that's when i heard a way too familiar voice. "MICHELLE, i thought i heard you were back i thought i should drop by..... Luke?" 


Omg the ending though!!!! HAHA cliffhanger much? I love you all! <3 Please do check my new book twisted!!! ;-) Have a great week ahead my lovely viwers. :-)

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