Chapter 3- An Unexpected Encounter

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Aubree settled into a chair in a café down the street from their new flat, checking her texts while Olivia went to order coffee. Although not only the taste, but also the smell of coffee disgusted her, Aubree secretly wished that she liked it. The girls had a long night of unpacking ahead of them, and jet lag was slowly beginning to creep up on her.

So far, their time in London had been short, but every new light post, even every brick that they passed verified that their long-awaited dream had become a reality. No longer was living here a childish fantasy, but a promise of a bright future. At last, the two friends could start over and make any life for themselves.

The girls had a flat, extra money, and a car which they had rented until they could buy their own. Life seemed pretty wonderful, that is, until Aubree spotted a large group of girl walk into the coffee shop. The only thing missing from their lives was friends. Sure they had each other, but when they left America, they weren't only leaving their families behind. Olivia and Aubree were also friends with two other girls that they loved with all their heart. Aubree, Olivia, Anna, and Emily. These girls were practically inseparable, but nothing could discourage this move to England.

When the rowdy group of girls finally settled into a seating area across the café from Aubree, a hush fell over them. She looked up from her phone to find the cause of the awkward silence, but only noticed a group of boys enter as well.

Oh, just the preppy boyfriends to complete the utterly cliché "popular group," Aubree thought as she paid no mind to them. But as her sight flickered back to her phone screen, something caught her eye. Aubree had seen this group of boys somewhere before. A TV show? No.

As she tried to place their faces, they began to approach Aubree. Oh god, what do they want now? Do they want to kidnap me and force me into their preppy group? Aubree shot a quick glance around the room to scout out the area revealing that it would have been impossible to kidnap her because every eye was trained on these five boys. Aubree was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard a familiar voice speaking to her.

"May we sit here?" The boy talking waited and then continued, "It seems like the only place to sit where we don't have to worry about being swarmed."

Swarmed? Why would this group have to worry about that? Oh. The group of girls DID look rabid.

Aubree mentally face palmed herself. Five gorgeous boys in the middle of London. A crowd of animalistic looking girls about ready to pounce. This was One Direction in the flesh. Plus, she had made an utter fool of herself by staring at them like they had diseases.

"What? Oh yeah. Sure," she managed.

Wow way to go Aubree, she thought to herself. Moment you've waited for your whole life, but you barely manage to stutter out a few, pointless words. Yes. Great first impression.

"I'll be back, boys," the one she remembered to be Harry stated, and then went to wait in line to order.

"So what's your name, love?" asked the blonde one with the Irish accent. Liam? No, Niall! His eyes were even more gorgeous than she remembered.

"Aubree. And those girls look like they are going to eat you guys."

"That's why we came to sit by you. That and we enjoy getting to meet lovely ladies like yourself," the dark-skinned one said with a wink. Zayn. Yes she remembered that one. Olivia had always said he looked like a sex god.

"Well thanks..." Aubree looked back at her phone trying to look uninterested, but secretly testing their perseverance.

"I'm sorry. We're being rude. I am Liam. This is Niall and Zayn," pointing to the two boys who sat beside him, "That terribly rude one on his phone is Louis, and Harry is the one over in line hitting on that brunette," Liam said as he shot a warning glance at Louis.

"In his natural habitat, of course," Zayn mumbled.

Feeling overwhelmed and completely joyous, Aubree glanced over to Olivia so they could share this moment together. But instead of telling the barista her order, Olivia was staring, with a rather surprised look on her face, into the eyes of Harry Styles.

Suddenly, everything came back: her and Olivia's fangirling, tweets from the boy sent directly to their phones, the hours of stalking spent on Tumblr, Aubree's adoration with Liam, but mostly Olivia's obsession with Harry.

Aubree couldn't imagine how Olivia felt at that moment, face-to-face with her celebrity crush. Oh but wait, yes she could. She was talking with HER Liam Payne. Still making a fool out of herself.

"Nice to meet you boys!" she said with a genuine smile.

"So... you've honestly never heard of us?" Niall questioned, earning a punch in the shoulder from Liam.

Aubree laughed at the two, "No, I've heard of you guys. I just didn't recognize you earlier."

"See? It was a legitimate question!" Niall defended himself.

"Harry seems quite fond of Olivia," Aubree said, earning confused looks from the four boys. "Oh sorry. The girl talking with Harry is my best friend Olivia," gesturing to where the two waited for their orders to be filled.

"She really is fit," Louis mumbled as he finally glanced up from his phone, looking Olivia up and down.

Zayn slapped Liam on the back, "Good for you, lad! You found a wonderful place to sit! Two gorgeous ladies that are not only in the same coffee shop, but that also best friends!"

Liam shook his head and sighed, "I can't take you boys anywhere." He then turned his attention to Aubree, "I'm honestly very sorry for their behavior. They obviously can't contain themselves around women," he said with a wink.

Is Liam flirting with me?


THE Harry Styles had just offered to pay for her coffee. Olivia was awestruck.

"No it's fine. I got it," Olivia replied hesitantly.

"Really, I insist," Harry said as he handed the barista money.

"Well thank you," she said with a smile, walking to where her coffee would be placed after it was made.

Harry quickly ordered, then followed Olivia to where to was standing. "My name is Harry. What's yours, love?"


"Well it's nice to meet you," Harry said with a smile.


"I'm sorry, what?" Aubree questioned as she tore her eyes away from the scene that was Harry and Olivia.

Niall repeated, "So you're not from London, are you?"

"No," Aubree laughed, "Olivia and I actually just moved here from America today. We have a flat down the street with thousands of boxes waiting to be unpacked, and Olivia needs a strong dose of caffeine before she does any form of physical labor."

Liam, Zayn, and Niall shared a smile, "We could help you, if you need," Liam offered.

"Oh no, I'm sure you big stars have a busy schedule."

"Actually, we just finished with an interview, and we're free all day tomorrow. Which means we can be at your flat as long as you need us," Zayn winked while nudging Niall's shoulder with his own.

Aubree pretended to consider for a moment, then finally gave an answer, "Well I guess, if it wouldn't be any trouble."

All the boys, including Louis, flashed a smile at Aubree's answer. At that moment, Olivia and Harry returned to the group, laughing, coffee in hand.

"Olivia! Guess what? These lovely gentlemen here offered to help us unpack!" Aubree subtly winked at Olivia.

Olivia flashed a large smile, "Well isn't that sweet! But we should be headed back soon, unless we want to be working all night."

The girls laughed at the immature reactions of the boys. They flashed huge smiles and snickered behind their back as they all left the café as a large group.


Thanks for reading!! This isn't my story, it is my friends who doesn't have a wattpad accout so she is using mine.

I hope you like it!! I personally think it's really good, but that's just me :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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