Damn right, its better than yours.

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My phone rings for the third time and I groan, glancing down at the screen. Surprise, surprise . . . It's Mum again. I get the urge to drop my phone and let it shatter so she isn't able to contact me anymore. I need my distance from her but she doesn't seem to understand that. My ringtone continues to play and the conversation around me dies down as all three of my friends look at me with humour in their eyes.

"And they're like, it's better than yours. Damn right, it's better than yours. I can teach you but I have to —"

I reject the phone call, giving them a sheepish look.

"Nice ringtone." Jake chuckles, his arm wrapped around Emily's shoulder. She giggles with him, a pizza box firmly placed in her lap.

"Yeah, it suits you Trish." Tobias adds, his brown eyes lighting up mischievously. My features twist into a confused expression and I turn towards him —

"What is that supposed to mean?" I question him, growing defensive. I know it's just a song but I can't help feeling hurt from his words. Does he mean the song reflects me as a person? I stand up, taking my phone with me as I decide to leave the house. I need some fresh air, away from everyone and especially away from Mum. The cool air outside calms me down and I close my eyes for a moment, enjoying the quiet.

"Hey Trish! Wait up."

I turn around to find Tobias jogging towards me, his dark hair flying around his face from the wind. I protectively fold my arms over my chest, annoyed at his comment.

"What do you want?" I mumble, dropping my gaze to my shoes.

"Didn't you hear us calling you back?" Tobias frowns, slowing down as he approaches me. I shake my head, plastering a fake smile on my face.

"I need go come home, it's getting late." I tell him, unable to look into his chocolate coloured eyes. Every time I do, they cause me to weaken and fall into a trance. I turn and begin to walk away but I feel Tobias' hand wrap around my wrist, holding me still. The small contact sends electric currents cursing through my body and I inhale sharply, my body stilling.

"It was just a joke, I didn't mean to upset you." He murmurs, his voice quiet and apologetic. His words drift off with the wind and I close my eyes, composing myself. I know I shouldn't be upset but it lies deeper than Tobias' comment.

I feel myself being tugged backwards against his body despite him barely using any force. When I slowly turn around, he's inches away from me. His eyes are almost black in the dark, only illuminated slightly by the street lamp above him. It creates shadows across his handsome face and I breathe in, reminding myself to remain calm. The heat and scent radiating from his body makes me feel the complete opposite of calm.

"Who was that on the phone?" Tobias asks me softly, his voice gentle and low. I blink a few times, fabricating a lie inside my mind.

"Just a friend," I tell him, unable to tell him the truth. I'm Trish Lockwood, the fun friend. I don't have any family drama or troubles. I'm the person people come to when they need cheering up, not dragging down. I silently ask myself the question —

Isn't that what I want?

To be the real me, not the version everyone expects me to be.

I struggle massively with opening up to people and breaking down my barriers. From the outside I appear confident and loud but it couldn't be any further than the truth. Inside my mind, the insecurity never stops or slows down. I've known Tobias for almost a year and he probably doesn't even know my address.

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