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To those people who didn't know her, Alexa Lily Potter was just an ordinary girl living her ordinary life.

To those who knew her, Alexa was one of the biggest potterhead ever to live. And that's how it begun.

On her birthday, July 31st, Alexa was rereading her favorite book 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban', early in the morning while everyone else was asleep. The usual. Even though she's reading her favorite book, she was bored for some reason.

Deciding that it was time for her to get out of bed, she walked towards her door, still reading, and tripped. She fell face first onto her book. Expecting to hit her book, she closed her eyes and waited for the impact. But it never came. She fell onto her book. Literally. She felt a strange sensation like being sucked onto a cube, kind of what apparation felt like as it was described on the books. And then everything turned black.

3rd person's POV

Alexa woke up because of her throbbing head. She heard unfamiliar voices talking and heard them said her name. She figured that they were talking about her, but how the bloody hell did they knew her name?

Alexa slowly opened her eyes and saw a somewhat familiar room, a hospital to be specific. She slowly sat up and looked around the familiar room. What she didn't know was that the voices stopped talking. The owner of one of the voices started walking towards her, unnoticed. Alexa was still looking around until her eyes landed on the old man with long silvery hair and beard, who was walking towards her. Behind the old man was a young man with greasy hair, and looked around his early thirties. Next to him was strict looking old lady, but not as old as the man walking towards Alexa.

The man kept on walking until he was directly in front of her.

"Ah, I was worried that you would never be able to find your way here." Said the old man.

Alexa narrowed her eyes and thought hard of where she had saw the man before. That's when it hit here. It was Albus freaking Dumbledore.

And that's where her story begun.

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