Chapter 6

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Alexa's POV

I entered the dimly lit place, the bell on the door rang. It seemed abandoned from all the dusts but from my knowledge, I know it isn't.

From what I can tell, there are about over 1,000 wands here. I just hope that I'll find my perfect match, or rather, my soon to be wand choose me.

Now, I've been in 'Ollivanders' in Orlando, Florida, but that is extremely different from the real Ollivanders. This, for one is deserted, or it seems to be for someone that doesn't know of it, really. It also is old and creaky, the one in Florida is new.

Not wanting to wait any longer, I called out, "Mr. Ollivanders!".

My call echo for a few seconds. Silence. Absolute silence. Then. Creaking was heard at the right side of the store, at the back. Rolling then followed, as if tiny wheels where rolling.


There, down the aisle, was Mr. Ollivanders.

He smiled, "Ah, Miss Potter, I have been wondering when I will be meeting you, I expected to see you two years ago and when I didn't see you I was getting worried. But alas, you are here now."

I was confused and lost. "Expecting me? Why?"

Ollivanders' glanced at Dumbledore and held his stare. They seemed to be having a silent conversation whether or not to tell me. As for me, I was just plain confused. What is there to hide anyways? But apparently there is.

Ollivanders faced me, smiled and told, "Never you mind, nothing important."

But I didn't believe him. If he was expecting me two years ago, I would've been around 11, the age when you receive your Hogwarts letter of acceptance. But I live in America, I should've gotten an Ilvermorny acceptance, not a Hogwarts one. Besides, there are wandmakers in America.

"Let us start, shall we?" Mr. Ollivanders asked.

He went around the shop, occasionally grabbing wand boxes while muttering something along the lines of, "might be the one", "maybe", and "what a rare combination this might be".

When he retreated, he must've at least 10 wands.

He glanced over the towering boxes in his arm. "Let's start shall we?".

The first wand he gave me was pine wood, eagle feather and 11".

It had a handle like part, and the rest was crooked

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It had a handle like part, and the rest was crooked. It looked like it had vines rapped around it.

I flicked the wand easily, stating "Wingardium LeviOsa".

Some of the wands on the shelf was blasted away with a strong gust of wind, but other than that, it looks fine.

I immediately returned the wand on its box. It continued like that until Mr. Ollivanders said to himself, "Perhaps, ah yes that will do wonderfully."

He grabbed a wand on the shelf next to me. The box has a thin layer of dust, and by the looks of it, no one has tried it before.

"Ah, yes, yes." He's eyes twinkling as he handed me the box. "Birchwood, phoenix feather, 11"."

This wand still has a handle looking thing, but the rest is smooth and the tip was slightly pointy

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This wand still has a handle looking thing, but the rest is smooth and the tip was slightly pointy. The bottom and top of the handle, going up to 1/3 of the wand has some intricate design. It overlaps each other, with more overlaps at the bottom than the top where it makes an oval like shape.

I, for the umpteenth time, flicked my wrist, muttering "Aguamenti" under my breath.

Suddenly, a stream of water shot out of the tip. A smile too big for my face started to from. No, fucking, way. My WAND! My very OWN WAND!!

I did a little victory dance before stopping abruptly, remembering the two old wizards with me. Both of them chuckled while a kept on smiling.

"Use it well young one. That would be 7 galleons." But just because I was too happy, I shoved 20 galleons on his arms and run out of the shop, my arm waving my beautiful wand.




You guys please don't kill MEH. I'm so, so sorry! I had too much school work and I have after school activities and an actual life outside school! I've been very busy. Also, I have to write a story for my ELA class so I really barely have anytime for my fanfiction.

Ooh, I also decided to write another story because I keep on having dreams about it. I haven't published it yet but I am writing it. I haven't even finished the first chapter yet.

Oh gods I really need to sort my priorities out. But anyways, thanks for all of you who read, commented and voted for this story! I love you all!


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