Chapter 5

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Small cinnamon roll Draco Malfoy there because I found that picture while searching for 13 years old but he looked cute so I used it.


Alexa's POV

Oh Gods, I'm so excited! What kind of wand would I get? What pet should I choose? What will I name my pet?! I GOT TO START STUDYING ALREADY TO BEAT HERMIONE! Wait, if this is third year then that means I have to pick extra classes and get a permission slip for Hogsmeade! Ahh! I don't have my parents with me!

Okay Alexa, calm down, deep breaths. I'm totally freaking out!

Right now I'm with good old Dumbledore, walking towards the fireplace in his magnificent office. Argh, my brain hurts from all of that thoughts.

"Remember to speak very clearly, tuck your arms in and close your eyes." Dumbledore reminded me.

I smiled, "Of course, don't want me to pull a Harry do you?"

Dumbledore rose an eyebrow, "Pardon me?".

I mentally smacked myself. "Never mind." I hastily muttered.

I took a hand full of floo powder, step into the emerald flames that matched my eyes and said my next words very clearly and loudly, "DIAGON ALLEY!"

I felt my whole body swirling around and quickly tucked in my arms as I felt some slight nausea. Good thing I didn't eat breakfast. As quickly as it started, everything stopped. I was then spit out off of the fire and bumped into someone. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact that never come. Instead I felt strong arms around my waist. Phew. Glad I didn't have to land on my face that could possibly break my nose.

"Careful now," said a familiar voice with a slight coldness on it, "wouldn't want to land on your pretty face would you?"

The owner of the voice put me on my feet. I looked at who had saved my face. He had platinum blond hair, pale skin, pinkish lips, and a very stunning pair of grey eyes (anyone else read the book/fanfic Grey Eyes? Except for you Livia, I know you did). He looks about around my age, but it was hard to tell, seeing as he was tall. All I could say is, he is HOT. I looked down and blushed magenta. He still had his arms wrapped around my waist. At the corner of my eyes I saw him look at where I'm looking, and I could have sworn that there was a slight tingle of pink on his face. WAIT A MINUTE! Did he say I have a pretty face?! I blushed beet red.

Me being me said awkwardly,"Err,"

The hot boy finally seem to snapped out of his thoughts and introduce himself, " I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. This is Malfoy? But he's so hot! But let's all be real, Tom Felton is hot but the real Draco Malfoy is hotter.

I cleared my throat and replied, still blushing as he still held my waist, "My name's Alexa Potter." Just as the words left my mouth I wanted to slap myself. Potter is the last name of his enemy, now he's going to hate me! But it's not like I have any relations to Harry. I mean, I'm not even from this dimension! But Draco doesn't know that.

Draco looks surprised but quickly narrows his eyes. "Are you, by any chance, related to Harry Potter?" He said Harry's name with so much venom it almost made me flinch.

"Err, no, as far as I know, no. I mean, Potter is a common name." I said nervously. I don't think he's going to believe me.

He continued to look at me with narrowed eyes. "Blood status?" He asked.

Oh Hades! I should've seen that coming! I don't know my own blood status! "Err, hal, half blood," I stuttered. Yeah, that's a safe blood status, besides, I'm a daughter of Hades, of course I'm a half blood!

"Not as good as a pure blood but I guess it's better than mudblood." He reconsidered.

"So, er, I'll see you around?" I asked.

He pondered for a moment, "You will go to Hogwarts right? Seeing as I had never seen you around"

I nodded my head.

For the first time I since I met him, he smiled genuinely. "Then of course."

I smiled warmly at him. After a second he let go of my waist and was suddenly gone from my sight.

From behind me I heard someone say, "I see you have met young Mr. Malfoy,"

I quickly turned around, blushing hard, and said, "Yeah, and is there a problem?"

But Dumbledore just chuckled knowingly, if that is even possible, "Come child, we have lots of supplies to buy."


Dumbledore had gone and bought my books and other supplies for me while I got fitted and I later on bought at least four pairs of whole school uniforms, two pairs of black shoes, ten shirts (mostly consists of black shade, my happy color, blues and sea greens) and legging, five shorts and two pairs of shoes, one of them are gym shoes and the other are a black flats. I also bought night gowns, pj's, and undergarments. I literally have no clothes except my clothes and my undergarments I'm wearing right now! After that we went to the pet shop. As soon as I enter the shop, all kinds of different animal noises overwhelmed me.

"I suggest that you get an owl," Mr. D suggested (Who got the reference?), "Very useful if I do say so myself."

"Or maybe you might find your familiar," he said, "Have one myself."

I smiled remembering how Fawkes took a killing curse for Dumbledore.

"I think I'll buy an owl and a cat, that is if I'm allowed." To be completely honest, I really want an owl as loyal as Hedwig and a cat as smart as Crookshanks.

"Of course, go on."

I made a mad dash to the owl section and an owl already caught my eye. It has a white silvery feathers with a few specks of midnight black. It's eyes were also silver. I knew I had to get him (I decided it was a him). I took him and his cage and once again made a mad dash, but this time towards the cat section.

Once I got there I heard a lot of meows and purring. I really want either a midnight black cat with emerald green eyes or snow white cat with blue bell eyes. As I searched for the perfect one, I locked eyes with a snow white cat with black large, adorable eyes with specks of white and silver. I knew I had to get her. I also took her and her cage in my arms and went to the cashier.

"Both of them?" Asked the employee.

I nodded my head while I grabbed all of my pets' necessary. I played about 28 galleons and 3 knuts in total.

I decided to call my owl Bob and my cat Small Bob.

Dumbledore helped me with my pets and their things by sending them to Hogwarts along with my other supplies with a wave of his wand.

"Are you ready to get your wand?" Dumbledore questioned as we walk towards Ollivanders.

I nodded nervously. "Ready as I'll ever be." And with that, we entered the shop.


Hello! Yes I'm alive! Surprisingly. But anyways I made an extra long chapter for you guys as I felt that I made you guys wait so long. Oh and I'm so, so sorry for not updating. I hope you guys noticed the PJO/HOO references.

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