Chapter- 6

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Some people create their own storms and cry when it rains

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Some people create their own storms and cry when it rains.



I pulled the horn for the third time. Traffic. The  most annoying thing that could happen to you in the busiest streets in pune. I was getting late for workshop. I still miss the time when I used to reach everywhere on time.

I pulled the gear when finally the cars started moving forward. The workshop was far and quite outside the town but it didn't bother me since I could drive. Learning driving and when dad bought me a car. One of the best days of my life. I loved driving. My new addiction, it was. The over half and hour journey was even more pleasing with Hip- hop music. I ocassionally looked out of the window to embrace the beautiful view of outside the city.

Upon reaching the first person I searched for was of course, Siya! I was a blessed person to work with her. Now she had more free time so we would hang out a lot more.

After a exhausting yet interesting day, I could finally get the chance the unlock the door of my own apartment. Yes, my own living! With house loan we bought it. I would pay a bit from my salary every month. My dad was a real man, he never raised me like a princess but like a warrior. A women who worked for living with what makes her happy but never let anyone else pay the bills.

The living room was made with wooden tiles, Enormous windows that lightened the room when the curtains were removed. A grey comfy sofa with brown carpet and a round center table with a flower vase. Charming abstract plantings on the wall. No dinning table since I would rather eat at the sofa watching television. My bed room was of also white colour and wooden tiles. A chandelier hanging from the ceiling. A wooden table when I needed to use laptop. A comfy bed in the middle and windows that would show the beautiful view of a tiny part of the city since I lived in the 7th floor. With 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom, it was my own paradise.

On weekends we would go to movies or night clubs for fun. But when the world was quite and I tried to sleep, I missed him. It would kill me from inside to see him online posting pictures but not replying.

I didn't like or comment on them but then I would seem desperate. Asking for attention. He seemed to be living a normal life with family, friends. Siya always reminded me that He wasn't speaking with words but with actions. Maybe he loved Tripti, not me. He didn't have the guts to have said that. So he just disappeared. Ignored me. But why? Was there any other reason too, maybe yes?

Rishabh was out of my sight too. It seemed like he just left the horizon. Many questions were left unanswered but there was no one to blame.

Next night, I was driving my car  towards home from the  workshop .It was late at night around 12:00 PM. I was late as I had some incomplete work left to be done . The workshop was a little outside of the city so I had to cross some fields full of just grass to reach home and there were less street lights outside the city and it made me a little scared daily but finally I was used to reach. The breeze made my skin shiver even in hot summer. I felt drowsy.

My senses fired up when from a distance, I noticed  a girl putting her one hand up waving and saying something I couldn't hear clearly.After coming a little closer,I heared her say "Take me home!someone please!" That girl screamed.The girl had a bottle of alcohol in her one hand and messed up hairs.She was wearing a blue crop top and ripped up jeans.She was quite skinny and was tall and brown skinned. She had a diamond face shape with round eyes.

She seemed to be too drunk. I wanted to ignore her as a unworthy hitchhiker but then   I couldn't help myself stopped and the car. It was maybe a bad decision but I felt empathic towards her. I came out and opened the back door of the car.

"Get inside" I said with my hands pointing at the door of my car.

The girl then broke the bottle of alcohol by hitting it on the road. Making a huge sound in the road filled with deadly silence.

"Thanks, Good people still exist".She said narrowing her eye lids. I didn't understand if she was questioning or answering me.

I was little astonished that the girl said "Good people still exist". Maybe she had fight with someone or have some problems and she got drunk but after all it was no one of my business. I started the car engine and asked to that girl "Tell me your address"

"I don't know why but i don't wanna go home and roam around city,yeah" She started singing a song I didn't think even existed.

That girl was too drunk to even tell her addresses.One thing that I couldn't understood was that how ended up here as there were no bars or clubs nearer.


"If you can't tell where you wanna go then we did you asked for lift.Im already very exhausted so don't annoy me anymore." I said as my anger rised.

"I told you before only that i wanna go where im free,So you better take me your home." That girl said biting her lips

"What?Are you crazy,please don't say like this,I thought you would tell your address" I said anxiously.

I speaked and looked in rear view mirror that she was half asleep. I had no other way rather than taking her with me. I was still eager to know where she lived so I slipped her purse and opened it. There was no identity proff. Just a few notes of rupees ten. While her purse was in my hand, it started vibrating. It was her phone. I picked it up. The caller name was " Prateek". Before I could see the full phone number she was awaked and grabbed her phone from me only to reject the call in a blink of an eye.

"I want to take a selfie with you." That girl said with repetive hiccups.

Before I could say anything she took out her phone and opened camera and moved the screen towards both of us. Her madness made me smile. Now, I was one road far so I had no choice left.

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