Chapter- 10

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Dear Misha,

I know you will be waiting for me,but I don't wanna come,not because I'm busy but I'm so afraid to come in front of you as I know what you might of thinking of me.I know you are probably a little nervous too but that's because you are gonna meet me for the first time.A person whom you know for one and a half year.I'll rather meet you any other day.

Now let come to the point.This is going to be really long to write,I hope I will be able to make you understand the whole situation.I live in pune only but I lied to you about this as I didn't took you seriously at first.When It all turned into love,I was afraid how will you react hearing this.I always wanted to meet you but deep inside I was afraid.

Dimple lives in my neighbourhood.We know each other from a young age.I always considered her as a good friend.I bought a new cell phone and sim.I made my old phone and sim as back up.Then you messaged me that you also bought a new sim.I used to chat with you and this happened for nearly 1 year.Dimple knew about you and I used to tell her how much I love you.She was my friend after all.I saw your picture with her in her phone that was clicked in her house.Dimple told me that she loves me but I didn't like her that way.We fighted a lot.She was doing drama and wasting mine and even her time.I was getting confused and I understood that something is seriously wrong.I checked her phone and then I could clear everything.

I saw that she knows my account's password and it was opened in her mobile.I was very angry when i saw this and I decided to talk with her about it.Dimple acted innocent at first but afterwards she told me what actually happened.She came to know my password as sometimes she used to take my old phone.So whenever you messaged she used to delete it.

She bought a new sim and messaged from it as Misha.So I thought I was talking with you.Thats why I never messaged in your real number.She didn't told me about why she did this.I will send you some screenshots of the messages if you don't believe me.

Yours,(if you still consider me your something)


Confused. Worried. I didn't know whom to believe. Both of them were just blaming each other. I closed up eyes and laid in the bed. Opening it only to have tears escape my eyes. It wasn't specifically because of any reason. I wasn't hurt but a part of me was.

I went on the terrace of my apartment and it was night.The sky was clear and the stars were twinkling .The moon light was falling on me. I loved nature no matter if it's day or night, I lived in a apartment but still I tried to be near nature somehow.Then a message came up phone from Varun "Hey,What's up?".

I decided to not reply as I wanted to step out of this Virtual world. Someone touched my shoulder and I immediately back with my eyes getting enormous. Was anybody going to kick me to the point that I would fall?

"What you doing here in the terrace in this time,Misha?" Siya said rolling her eyes.

Muskan stood at the back making signs with her hand that Siya is annoyed.

"I should ask that,What are you doing here now,I told you na that We will talk tomorrow." I cowardly expressed.

"You weren't even receiving my calls,Your flat was locked so I thought you are probably here,that's why I came." Siya screamed.

"Actually...umm I was --"

"No explanation needed, We are going to goa in a few days , wanna join. " Siya interpreted enough though I wasn't planning on saying anything.

"Yeah… I would love to but it is possible now… since I have a new project in workshop that's worth a lot." I replied.

"Okay , actually I'm a bit in hurry. Talk to you later." They both headed toward the stairs and waved at me. At was her habit of getting annoyed at silly matters.

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