Chapter 12: I Like You

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Felicia's POV

I sat on the couch counting down the minutes until Jonah should be here. I was tapping my feet on the floor and my hands were shaking. I needed Jonah here right now. At 11:10 I heard a knock on the door. I ran over to it and found Jonah standing outside. He wasn't wearing a coat. It was in the middle of winter and he didn't have a coat on. "Where's your coat?"

"You had me leave the party so you could tell me to put on a coat?" He crossed his arms and came inside. I closed the door and sat on the kitchen counter. He just stood there.

"No, I called because Seth isn't back yet. He said he would be back at 10 and he's not back yet. It's been more than an hour and he's not back." I was starting to get anxious. I wanted him back. "He's never been late like this before and he always calls when he's late." I hated when he left because I always thought something bad had happened.

"I'm sure he just lost track of time. Have you tried calling him?" He stood in front of me and held my hand.

"Yes, I called him 10 times and it went straight to voicemail every time. I'm really scared. What if something happened?" I stood up and he engulfed me in his arms. I was surprised. I thought he would smell of alcohol, but he didn't. He smelled good. I couldn't quite say what he smelled like but for some reason it made me feel safe. Wait, he was hugging me. What?

"Did you try calling his girlfriend?" He rubbed my back. What was going on? He was being so gentle and nice and sympathetic. Unlike any guy my age.

"No, I don't have her number. What if something bad happened? What if I lost him? What if he's gone? He's all I have left. I need him. Everyone in my life has either left me or has never cared about me. I don't want him to leave. I need him." Jonah held me tightly and close to him. He stroked my hair and rubbed my back more. He walked me over to the couch and we sat there for a while in the silence. My tears started soaking his black T-shirt. "I'm sorry, your shirt is probably really wet now."

That made him laugh. "It's okay. Don't worry about it." He put his arm around me so he could hug me and I leaned against him. He was so sweet when he wanted to be. I just hoped he wouldn't leave me like everyone else. He was actually one of the nicer people at school. We sat there in silence and I calmed down a bit. We started to watch the rest of The Breakfast Club. We sat there for probably 10 minutes and then I was really tired from crying. I fell asleep right there on him. I rested my head in his lap and he stroked my hair again.

"Felicia. Felicia wake up." He was trying to wake me up because there was a knock on the door. I sat up and let him get up. He walked to the door and opened it. Sandra? She was standing in the doorway. But where was Seth?

"Hi, I'm Sandra. Is Felicia here?" She looked around Jonah.

"Yeah she's in here. Come in." He opened the door all the way. Sandra walked in and came over to me. I sat up and made room for her on the couch.

She sat next to me. "Hi Felicia. How are you?"

"Where's Seth? Is he okay?" I jumped to it, right away.

"He's okay. He was leaving my house and he slipped on the ice in my driveway. He hit his head. He has a minor concussion but it's nothing serious. I brought him to the hospital and they said they wanted him to stay over night. I told him I would get you and bring you if you want." She turned around and looked at Jonah. "Your friend can come too if he would like."

Jonah looked at me. "Do you want to come?" I asked.

He came back into the living room, "Um, sure, if you don't mind bringing me along."

"It's not a problem. Are you ready?" She looked at both of us and stood up. We walked out to her car, me in my bunny slippers and Jonah with no coat. We were quite the bunch, huh? Jonah and I sat in the back. My hands started shaking and Jonah looked down at me. He reached for my hand and held it. He smiled at me. I smiled back. I stopped shaking.

We walked through the doors to Seth's hospital room. Me and Jonah had been holding hands. He let go and I ran to Seth's side. I started crying again and I didn't know why. I sat on the edge of his bed and watched him. He was asleep and looked like he was in a lot of pain. I held his hand. I felt his pulse, I needed to make sure he was okay. I looked over at Jonah. I told him to come over to me.

We sat in the chairs next to Seth's bed for a while and just talked. We talked about school and we talked about the party. He asked me questions about my old home. I told him, I lived with my grandparents and they didn't care about me. They let me do whatever I wanted, go where ever I wanted and see whoever I wanted. They only called me home for dinner and then they let me do whatever. I ate in my room most nights anyway. I couldn't be with Seth because he needed to get a job and he needed money to get a house and pay bills and buy food. When he had enough he wanted to move me away from my grandparents because I had such a bad history with them. "He cares about me. He likes having me around. We stick together because we don't have anyone else left." Jonah could see that it really hurt me to talk about this.

There was a long pause. He tried changing the subject. "So you think I'm cute?"

I started laughing and brushed off the last subject. "Yes I do." I stared at my hands in my lap.

"Well I think your cute too." He scooted closer to me and nudged me with his elbow.


"Yeah, and you know what else?"

"What?" I asked.

"I like you." There was a long pause. I was completely shocked that he said that. I mean I had hoped that he liked me but I didn't expect him to say it right here, right now.

I laughed. "I like you too."

We sat there for a little while and then Sandra came back. She was holding a cup of coffee. I didn't even know she left. "So you two seem like you're okay here. I'm going to go back home. Um, I'm sorry I never got your name."


"Jonah, would you like a ride home or do you have something arranged." She took out her car keys from her purse.

He looked at me and then back at her. "Would you mind giving me a ride?"

"No, that would be fine. Felicia, do you want to stay or do you want a ride?"

"I'll stay." I looked at Seth. He was still asleep.

I stood up and Sandra left to give me and Jonah some time alone. "Have fun in the car with her." I said.

That made him laugh. "I'll try not to enjoy myself too much." He put his right hand on my waist and his left hand on the small of my back. He pulled me closer to him. I put my arms around his neck and we just stood like that for a long time. Eventually we broke apart when the nurse came in to tell me that I could stay if I wanted to. "I should probably go."

"Yeah, bye."


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