So Many More...

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or Ao no exorcist, they are property of Hiro Mashima and Kauze Kato respectively.

Beware of spoilers for either Fairy Tail manga or Ao no exorcist. The story takes place at an imagined end of the series for Fairy Tail and at the start of Ao no exorcist.

I also don't own the cover picture and I have no clue who does. If this is your picture, don't hesitate to contact me if you are unhappy with its use.
Natsu Dragneel, Fiore, X792

"Who ever said dying was like falling asleep derves a good kick in the nuts." Natsu, the salmon haired hero of Fiore, thought bitterly, "like sleeping my ass."

This was it, the end of his journey, he did after all, defeat the most powerful and dangerous dark wizard of all time, who happened to be brother, in one last epic battle. But that was the problem, it was his...last. Natsu couldn't pinpoint when it started but somewhere in between the seemingly endless conflicts, he had let himself believe...

...believe he wouldn't die.

In all honesty, Natsu had been caught up in his comrades feirce words of hope. "We promise you'll fine", "we'll find a way, you'll see!" And "We won't let you die!" They had said, yet here he lied, unable to move an inch for fear of awakening the never ending pain that his grevious wounds had caused. And where were his family? His friends? They were undoubtedly celebrating their victory...or mourning the loss of Master Makarov. Yet he wasn't upset they weren't there because really...he didn't want to be remembered like this. A broken form dyed in a thick shade crimson red.

"There's no use denying it." Natsu lamented, barely a wisper that broke the endless silence which rested over the deserted battlefield. "This is the end..."

The echo of hollow laugher broke across the dusty plains, Natsu blood smeared lips forming a ghost of smile at the impromptu pun. It was like a switch had been flipped, suddenly he just couldn't stop laughing. Each fit more devoid of joy than the last, going on for what seemed like hours that was untill the laughter was replaced by harsh, wet coughs that racked the salmon haired males body, each worse than the last. The pain was unbelievable, stabbing, twisting, shooting, blinding, every kind know to man.

If there was ever time to admit was now...

...he was afraid.

  Hell, he was terrified.

Whether it was because it was the first time he had been so vulnerable, or the last time he would feel anything, who knew.

"Heh, if Gray was here he'd laugh at how pathetic I am, ne Zeref?", Natsu weakly chuckled sending jolts of pain through his body. For a while he waited for a response, allowing the slience to carry on as his eyes drooped to half-mast.

"Talking to a corpse Natsu, real classy."

He mentally berated himself for being slightly disappointed by the slience of the other. Though at the thought of Zeref he couldn't help but let his eyes wonder, as far as they would go anyway, over to the mangled body of his...older brother.

Dismissing the guilt that had begun to plague his mind, how he had put Zeref in that condition, Natsu let his thoughts slip back to Gray, the guild, his friends and precious family. He felt the pain lessen at the notion of going home, little did Natsu know he was simply too far gone to realise the pain had numbed his body, that he could no longer feel anything.

Though his mind was caught between the flurries of nostalgic, a realization, as sudden as a bolt of Laxus's lightning, hit him.

"I...I-I...W-won't be t-there..." Oh how Natsu wished to believe that his mind was wrong, that it was all a lie and his comrades would come through for him. How he wished that they would pull one more miricle out of thin air.

"I wont be there to fight with Gray anymore...O-or get pummeled by Erza, or H-help Wendy and Romeo,  or fish with H-happy...or go on missions with the guild..." There was no denying the longing and heartbreaking in Natsu's eyes as anything but. He could no longer watch his family grow up. He, after this, would no longer be apart of their lives, his name forgotten and his mark on the world nonexistent.

"There was so much more...I wanted to many more adventures..."

...His body grew cold and his sight blackened...

"So many more people to save..."

...He couldn't feel his hands or feet, he could no longer feel the trails of crimson make their way across his body to pool around him...

"S-so...many M-more..."

...Caught up in a wirlwind of regrets, he missed the golden light that envloped his wounds and began to slowly dissolve his body...

"I...I wanted t-to..."

Natsu Dragneel, son of Igneel, never did finish that sentance for the guiding light of the faries had indeed persished, just as Zeref had foretold...however no one could of predicted the events that would soon unfold...

Mephisto Pheles, True Cross Academy, Assiah

Mephisto Pheles was pleased to say that he'd had a rather wonderful past couple of weeks, the arrival of a special guest, and having the young Okumura twins under his wing had brightened his life, espically in the wake of the most awful tragedy.</p>

Shiro Fujimoto's death.

Sighing and reaching for his tea, Mephisto prepared to complete the arduous duties of the headmaster for such a prestigious institution.

"Such is the life of Mephisto Pheles, how I miss being Samue-..."

That when Mephisto felt it. A massive disturbance in time and space, such a disruption that only the higest level beings could pull off...this thing reeked of Satan's doing. Something huge was about to happen, Mephisto was sure of it, but it wasn't a question of what was going to happen, it was who would set his father's plan in motion.

Delgating his prior duties to his underlings, Mephisto took pleasure in overlooking the True Cross Academy skyline.

"I know you're out there, Amaiamon." Mephisto added with a side glance at the shadowed figure.

"Brother, you felt it too?"

Regarding the king of earth with a slight nod, Mephisto returned to his stargazing.

"Just what are you up to father..."

AN/: Hi there! This is the first work I have attempted to publish, or well...really show anyone so any constructive criticism would be appreciated. This would of been out earlier but my phone decided to destroy the original, I am doing this on my phone so if you see any spelling or grammar errors I would appreciate if you could point it out. Hope you enjoy what I have so far and leave a review if you can! This fic has been cross-posted on AO3 so feel free to check it out there as well!

Thanks for checking this out!

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