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Not mine. Got it from tumblr
Your pov/
I was laying on my bed casually, scrolling down my Tumblr as I waited for the girls to come home after their interview. Being the best friend of 5 super famous girl was awesome. As they never wanted to be apart from me I always went on tours with them and I was most of the time in the studio with them. That’s what you get when you have no family and you happen to be at the right place at the right moment, to meet the girls that are gonna have enough heart to take you in and make of you one of the most important people in their lives. Today though, I didn’t go with them, too tired to go out. I was just waiting for them to come back so that we could have some girl night. I just had to wait a little bit longer though considering that a few minutes later, someone knocked on my bedroom door. I got up and walked to the door quickly only to be met with the famous Dinah Jane Hansen, also know as one of the most important persons in my life right now.
“Hoiiii dawg. Wassup?” she asked getting in the bedroom and sitting on the bed. I took that opportunity to take in her appearance. She was wearing sweatpants and a white tank top on which “Hakuna Matata” was written. Nothing too fancy, so I assumed she had already changed from her interview clothes. But her make up, she hadn’t taken it off yet. Her dark red lipstick and her eye liner was making her look like a goddess, a goddess anyone would want to kiss.
“I was just scrolling down Tumblr.” I said “Where are the others?” I asked laying down next to her.
“They went out and I didn’t feel like it, so it’s just you and me tonight.” she said. I didn’t mind spending the night with Dinah, they are often really really entertaining, although she seemed weird.
“You, Dinah Jane Hansen, aka D-Mac, didn’t feel like going out? Okay now something is definitely wrong. What is it?” I said in a melodramatic tone.
“Nothing. I’m alright.” she shrugged.
“Dinah Jane are you lying to me?” I asked in a warning tone.
“I’m just…okay” she sat up and turn to face me. “I am lacking affection.” she admitted.
“You regret breaking up with Siope?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows.
“No no no. I don’t.” she said quickly. “But I am a girl who lives for the others’ affection, it’s like my fuel, and since I broke up with him, I have nobody who can be affectionate around me.” she said letting her back fall against the mattress.
“What is it that you need? Cuddles?” I asked getting closer to her.
“Yeah. Cuddles, kisses…all that stuff.” she said in a desperate tone.
“Well, maybe I can help with the cuddles, you know? I don’t mind holding you close to me.” I said wrapping my arms around her waist. Instantly she let her head rest on my chest as her own arm wrapped around my waist, mine finally wrapping her shoulders, as my hands began stroking her hair. We stayed like this for a few seconds. She would every now and then nuzzle her nose on the crook of my neck and feeling her breathing against my neck would each time send shivers down my spine.
“Can I ask you something ?” she asked.
“Yep.” I nodded.
“Why don’t you, you know, find yourself a girlfriend? Why do you do the one night stands thing?” she asked warily.
“Because I don’t want to end up heartbroken so I don’t let myself fall for them.” I answered.
“Do you…Do you cuddle with them? After..you know.” she asked.
“After sex?” I asked and as she nodded I answered. “No I don’t cuddle. With anyone.” I said.
“Then why are you doing it with me?” she asked causing my eyes to meet hers.
“I don’t know. Because you asked.” I answered.
“Would…Would you kiss me if I asked you ?” she inquired looking down, preventing her to see my eyes widening.
“uhm…i don’t know. Why would you want me to kiss you?” It was my turn to ask.
“I just miss the feeling of lips pressing against mine. Nothing more.” she declared.
Would I ? Kiss her? I guess so, yeah. But what if it made things awkward between us. I don’t think it would though, I had already kissed Lauren a few times by the past, and things never changed between, we were still really good friends.
“So?” she asked getting impatient.
“I would kiss you if you’d promise me it wouldn’t ruin our friendship.”
“I promise.” she said leaning on her elbows finally meeting my eyes again. Our faces were a few inches away and I could feel her breathing against my lips. “Kiss me.” she ordered. I let my eyes fall to her lips only to see that she was licking them then biting on them. I finally obliged and carefully closed the gap between her lips pressing mines against hers. The feeling was weird at first, not being used to kiss my best friend’s lips, but as she pressed her lips back to mine I felt better, I felt amazing. I lingered my lips on hers, putting the perfect amount of pressure to the kiss before finally pulling back. My head fall back to the cushion and I saw her eyes were still closed, and she licked her lips. I couldn’t stop the smirk which appeared on my face at her reaction. When she finally opened her eyes, I was shocked to see her perfect brown eyes had darkened.
“Again.” she whispered. “More.” she added before crashing her lips to mine once more. Unless this time things were different. Her lips moved against mine, capturing my bottom lip, trapping it between hers as she began biting on it. In a second, she was on top of me trying to close the distance between our bodies. My hands flew to the back on her neck directing her head to the side so that I could deepen the kiss, which I did. The next thing I heard was the moan which escaped her lips as my tongue brushed again her bottom lip, making her understand that I wanted her to grant me entrance. She parted her lips letting my tongue invade her mouth. As weird as it was to admit that seeing that she was my best friend, her tongue against mine tasted so good, the feeling of our lips clashing against the others’ felt amazing. My eyes widened as she broke the kiss and began kissing her way down my jawline, to my neck.
“Dinah…” I wanted it to sound like I aimed to stop her but it came out as completely opposite. She began biting and sucking on my neck. I soon felt her hips grinding on me as she straddled one of my legs. I could feel the heat between her legs against my thigh making me moan at the realization.
“Tell me you don’t want it.” she said. “Tell me you don’t and i’ll stop.” she precised.
“Dinah…it’s not that I don’t…but we can’t.” I said trying to fight to moan threatening to escape me as she continued kissing my neck, except that now her hand was cupping my breast.
“We can. It will be our little secret.” she whispered.
“Dinah you are asking me to fuck you, how can you be so-” I began.
“I’m asking to treat me like all those girls you meet in clubs. I’m asking you to make me feel as good as you make them feel.” she said pulling away so that she could face me. “Please.” she said her eyes begging.
“Oh fuck.” I cursed before switching our positions quickly and settling myself on top of her, my legs between hers. “Don’t you dare act weird around me after this.” I warned staring at her.
“Don’t worry about that dawg.” she said and I took my cue to dive back and kiss her lips forcefully, accompanying my movement with a forceful thrust of my hips against hers causing her to groan in pleasure. She wanted me to make her feel good, that’s what I was gonna do. I took her hands and pinned them above her head with one of my hands as the other went to cup her breast through her tank. That’s when I noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra and I could feel her hardened nipples. Fuck that was hot. Next thing I knew I sat her up and got her rid of her top not caring if she was even okay with this. I attached my lips to her newly uncovered chest and as she moaned I took her nipple in my mouth. My hands traveled down her stomach and I slipped them in her sweatpants as my lips kept working on her nipples, kissing, biting, sucking. My movements were stopped when I felt her hands around my wrists. I looked up to meet her worried gaze.
“I’ve never..” she said trailing off.
“Had sex?” I asked climbing back up her body to stare at her eyes.
“No..Had sex with a girl.” she said.
“It’s okay Dinah. You just asked me to make you feel good. That’s what i’m going to do, you don’t need to worry.” I said and I saw her eyes relax but her grip around my wrist kept still. “Just trust me okay?” I asked, she nodded and her grip around my wrist loosened. I changed the orientation of my wrist and directed my hand back to her cheek cupping it softly before finally sealing our lips in a sweet kiss. I pulled back before finally kissing my way down her body, passing by her neck, her breast, her stomach, her navel and finally stopping just above her waistband. I began playing with the edge of her sweatpants and looked up to meet her eyes, they were closed and she was letting herself get lost in the contact. I took off her sweatpants throwing it across the room and hovered over her once more. I brought my lips to her ear and whispered.
“Open your eyes. I want you to look at me while I please you.” That caused her eyes to opened and her eyes were darker than ever. I sealed our lips once more letting my hand travel back down her body and meet her wetness on her panties, her completely soaked panties.
“You. Are. So. Fucking. Wet.” I whispered against her lips between soft kisses. “Tell me what you want Dinah.” I said.
“Right now.” she said opening her eyes to meet mine. “I want to feel her skin against mine.” she said and I took that information in and took off my shirt, leaving me in a bra. I pressed our bodies together and she moaned against as the warmth of our bodies mixed. My hips began grinding faster against her as I could feel myself not able to hold much longer. I wanted her, now.
“Now what do you want?” I asked as I made my way down her body.
“Fuck me. I want you to fuck me dawg.” she said and I smiled against her skin because of the fact that even In this situation she found the time to still be Dinah “dawg” Jane.
“Your wish, my command.” I mumbled against her skin before finally ripping her panties off of her. My eyes widened at the sight, she was wetter than ever. Her folds were glistening, and her throbbing clit was literally begging me to attach my lips to it which I complied. I enclosed my lips around her clit making her back arch at the contact. She wasn’t going to be able to hold long. She was going to come soon and I wanted her to so the teasing part would be for another day. I lick her fold and began licking around her entrance, teasing it, dampening it even more, before I finally let my middle finger enter her.
“Fuck…” she said, her voice so low that I could barely hear it. I looked up as I continued to work my tongue on her pussy only to be met by her half closed eyes.
“Eyes open Dinah.” I said against her entrance, the vibration causing her insides to clench. I began pumping my finger in and out of her while she was staring at me. I was delighted about her tightness.
“Please Y/N…please I need more.” she said.
“As you wish.” I said before sliding another finger inside her increasing my pace as I felt her insides tighten even more around the foreign objects inside her.
“Fuck. Faster.” she groaned and I obliged once more. Adding a third finger I began pumping in and out of her at a crazy pace making her moan, groan and scream incoherent things, probably some Tongan words too. My tongue attached itself back to her clit and I quickened its pace so that it would match my fingers’.
“I’m gonna…Damn I can’t hold it anymore!” She shouted.
“Nobody asked you to hold it babe. Come for me.” I said before sucking forcefully on her clit and bringing the hand that wasn’t working inside her to her breast, massaging it forcefully. The next thing I knew she was crying out in pleasure, shouting as her insides were swallowing my fingers and her whole body was shaking. I had sent her over the edge and I was now accompanying her as she was riding her orgasm, my fingers still pumping inside her. Once her breathing was back to normal, I retrieved my fingers, took a long lick of her juices making her whimper, and I made my way up her body. I sealed our lips in a deep kiss letting herself taste her juices. I was pleasantly surprised when I felt her lips suck on my tongue taking in her own taste. I finally broke the kiss and let myself fall to her side, resting on my back next to her. She cuddled up to me once more sending goosebumps to my body as her naked chest pressed to my naked side.
“I understand why girls all want sex with you.” she mumbled against my neck as she drew circles on my stomach skin.
“Why is that?” I asked raising an eyebrow playfully letting my own fingers draw circles on her naked back.
“Cause dawg so fingers and those lips are just….fuck they are magic.” she explained making me chuckle. I remained silent before she spoke again.
“Was i any better than Lauren?” she asked.
“I never did that with Lauren.” i countered.
“Are you trying to lie to me?” she said with the tone i had used earlier in the night.
“Okay fine, i did do it with Lauren but Lauren…she returned the favor, so i can’t really compare you guys.” i admitted. (A/N: SORRY GUYS I’M TOO IN LOVE WITH LAUREN, YOU ARE LUCKY I DIDN’T SAY CAMILA TOO! I REALLY WANTED TOO THOUGH)
“Oh…okay.” she said before finally falling quiet.
After a few seconds her hands slip down my stomach and reach for my belt, as she tried to undo it.
“Dinah? What are you doing?” I asked meeting her gaze.
“I was just….you know..i can return the favor. Well i’ve never done that before. But I mean I could try.” she stuttered looking down to hide her embarrassment.
“No tonight was about you needing affection. Not about me.” I answered.
“Another time?” she said leaning up on her elbows to meet my eyes. And I knew that this was her way of asking me if that was ever going to happen again between and that at least she wanted it too.
“Another time.” I agreed before pecking her lips and letting her head rest on my shoulder again.
Definitely another time I thought.

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