Chapter 4

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I sat in the corner of my black cell. I was trying to think of a way i could escape.... But part of me didnt want to. I wanted to stay. i know. Its fucked up. But i couldnt help it. The thought of leaving made my stomache uneasy and the thought of staying made me curious but confused. In the back of my mind i knew why i wanted to stay but i kept that thought there. I kept him there.

I wasnt sure what time or day it was, since i hadnt seen daylight in what felt like days, other than the light coming from under the locked cell door. But i was sure that hours had definatly passed.

Suddenly i heard a shuffling of feet outside the door and i saw a shadow under my cell door. The shuffling stopped and i crawled warily to the door.

"Lucy? You there?", i heard a familiar voice. It was daryl, he told me that someone gave him a key to escape but he didnt know who.

"How are you going to get me out? Theres no key for me", i said under the door. Daryl was silent for a moment, he hesitated.

"Lucy. Im not taking you with me", daryl said in a hesitant manner.

"What? Why?", i asked. Part of me was panicking but the other part was relieved. Im not sure what i felt more.

"Im sorry. I just dont trust you anymore. The way you look at him-", daryl stopped.

"Ive got to go. Im sorry", daryl said, as i heard him run down the hallway. He had no reason to trust me anyway. I had just joined alexandria before negan showed up and i wasnt really close with anyone. I mostly felt angry then i just sat there by the door confused. What the hell am i going to do now? And what did he mean "the way you look at him".

My train of thought got interrupted by the sound of a motorbike, the sound started the fade until I couldn't hear it anymore. Shit. There goes Daryl.

I suddenly heard footsteps coming closer to my door. I quickly crawled back to the corner of my cell before the door opened, letting in bright light that made my eyes sting. As my eyes adjusted, I watched as a blonde man with a half burnt face dragged me to my feet. He said nothing as he dragged me upstairs to Negan.

"I don't give a damn simon. I leave for a few hours and you let this shit happen? Go out and fucking find him", I heard Negan demand as the man and I approached a closed door with Negan on the other side. "Simon", stormed out the door. He was tall and skinny with short hair and a horrible looking mustache, he looked like he was in his 40's.

"Bring her in", I heard Negan say, in his deep, rough voice. The guy with the burnt face pushed me inside the room, almost causing me to fall over. The room looked like an ordinary living room. Negan was leaning against the side of one of the leather couches and the blonde man stood, guarding the door.

"Sit down", he said in a stern voice. I did as he said and sat on an armchair that was facing him.

"Now darlin, if you know where daryl went its time to fucking talk", he said, as he walked over to me, sitting on the coffee table that was infront of the chair i was sitting in.

"He probably went back to Alexandria", I said. I wasn't going to defend someone who left me for dead.

"Ive got to admit. I didn't think you'd break so easily", Negan said, as he ran his gloved fingertips along my jaw causing a shiver down my spine and causing a silently sigh to escape from my lips. He chuckled and removed his hand before continuing.

"But theres one thing i wanna know.", he said.

"Why didn't he take you along with him? I mean, weren't you guys buddies", he chuckled.

"He didnt trust me enough to take me with him", i said, as i looked down in anger.

"And why was that?", Negan asked in an amused voice. I remembered what daryl said.

"The way you look at him...."

"I- i dont know", i stuttered, looking up at negans brown eyes again.

"Damn. You've been left behind by someone you thought you could trust", Negan said in a manipulating tone. I stayed silent, looking down at my black boots.

Negan sighed, "Im sorry i left you down in the cell by the way. But you've been good today...". I wasnt sure if he really meant it. Its so hard to read him and it was damn frustrating.

"You wont have to stay in there again if you just tell me...", he trailed off. I looked up at his brown eyes, he had a smirk on his face but his eyes were stern.

"Who are you?", he asked. I knew my answer and i knew that it could get me into a hell of a lot if trouble but i didnt care.

I answered, "Negan".

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