Chapter 7

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"Darlin are you tierd already?", Negan said quietly, but cheerfully. It was dark by the time we got home. Everyone seemed tierd, including me. The air outside was fresh and smelt of grass and the sky had clouds resting around the moon.

We had just gotten out of the trucks and were heading inside when negan stepped infront of me, blocking me from entering the sanctuary's doors. I stared at him confused.

"Somethings been botherin me lately", Negan said softly. Negan eyed the rest of the saviours waiting to get inside. They understood him and started walking away. They were probably going to get in through the back, i assumed.

"What is it?", i asked curiously. He stayed silent for a second before continuing.

"Well, ever since carl yanked on your arm and asked you why you joined me, i couldnt help wondering the same thing", he said with a serious face. I stayed silent.

"I mean, i killed your friends and stole all of their shit and here you are. One of my guys", he said amused as he licked his bottom lip.

"Now i dont know about you, but even i think thats pretty cold", he said, leaning back against the santuary door with his arms crossed and lucille resting against the wall at his side.

"Well i-", i said but Negan interupted me.

"It seems like maybe you arnt as normal as i thought you were at first. It seems like you actually want to be here. Im just trying to figure out why." He said amused.

"I dont know. All i know is i want to be here", i said suddenly. He leaned forward, his eyes growing dark.

"Who are you?", he said silently with serious eyes.

"Yours", i said almost in a whisper. His eyes widened a bit in surprise and i suddenly placed my lips on his. At this point my subconcious was screaming at me. I felt Negans lips turn into a smirk and i broke the kiss, smiling in embarassment.

"So thats why", he smirked at me. I looked down at my feet as i swept my hair behind my ear. I smiled shyly.

Yes, i had fallen for a pychopath and as much as i tried to fight it, i felt myself falling even more for him. Shit, im in trouble. Negan, still smirking, opened the door for me. I walked into the sanctuary, blushing as he picked up lucille and followed me inside proudly.

This is going to get me in so much trouble.

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