Chapter 6

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Negan, dwight and i all squeezed into one of the saviours trucks. Dwight was driving, negan was happily smiling as he looked out the window and i was in the middle feeling awkward, exited, nervous.... Hell, i was feeling so many emotions at the time. Negan turned to me with a smirk on his face and eyes that almost looked sincear.

"I wonder what you're folks at alexandria will think. Now that you're with us", he chuckled.

"Dwight turn this shit up, you know how much i love this song", negan smirked. Dwight did as negan said. The radio started blaring out the same song i remembered being played as i was locked in the cell. Easy street. Dwight didnt seemed very thrilled as well, but Negan was humming along to the song, happily tapping his foot.

The road trip was an entertaining twenty minutes of Negan humming along to songs and dwight staring, unamused at the road the whole time. Soon enough i saw the walls of alexandria emerge. My heart rate started picking up. What will they think? Whats going to happen? We stopped at the gate and Negan suddenly jumped out of the truck, everyone started doing the same. Dwight got out and walked to the back of the truck, getting something out of the back. He came back to me with my gun and knife in hand.

"Heres your stuff. Dont try anything", He said sternly. He handed over my handgun which had been reloaded since i last saw it and my knife. I put both weapons in my thigh bag. Now i was ready.

Negan used lucille to knock against the metal gate, causing the gate to shake and the sound to be a loud echo. We waited about ten seconds before the gate was finally opend hesitantly. Rick was standing on the other side of the gate with the rest of the group standing around him, stern looks on their faces.

"Long time, no see Rick", Negan said with a big smile on his face. I always loved how even in the middle of all this chaos, Negan is still smiling. He still smiles even though everyone wants him dead. Except for me of course (which i feel deeply guilty about).

"What do you want?", Rick said sternly. Rick suddenly made eye contact with me before directing his attension back to Negan.

"Now is that anyway to greet a friend? You could at least invite me in first", Negan said. Negans voice sounded happy but there was a hint of seriousness. Hes so unpredictable.

Rick nodded and stood aside, letting Negan know he was welcome in. Negan pranced into Alexandria like he owned the place. Oh wait. He does. I walked closley behind Negan, as we passed Rick's group, carl grabbed my arm.

"Why would you join them?", he said quietly. I didnt answer because in all honesty, im still trying to figure that out myself.

"Kid, dont make me get your dad to really cut that arm off", Negan said sternly to Carl. Carl let go of my arm and stood close to his dad, who was staring daggers in to Negan and i.

"So, it turns out that Daryl decided he could just take off without my permission", Negan said as he paced up and down the group with lucille over his shoulder. Just like he did on the night we first saw him.

"So. If any of you know where that bastard is, i'd really like to know", Negan said amused, slightly leaning back.

"What did you do with Eugene?", Rick asked sternly. Only then did i notice that Eugene, Spencer and Olivia were missing. Rosita also had a new scar on her cheek that looked as though a blade did it. I must have missed alot after being locked in that cell.

"Dont be so rude Rick, im asking the questions here", Negan said in his classic joking but serious way. Rick sighed.

"We dont know, we've only heard about Daryl leaving now", Rick said. I didnt believe it for a second, i dont think Negan did either. There was what felt like hours of silence as Negan and Rick stared at each other. Negan broke the silence suddenly with a chuckle.

"Well if he shows up, we'll know", Negan said to rick, as he turned around making for the exit.

"See you later Rick", Negan said smiling. I followed Negan trying not to smile, it was refreshing being apart of a group that was so powerful and the way that Negan prances around....He makes everything so much better. We all climbed in the trucks again. Negan flipped Rick off with a leather gloved hand, before we turned around and drove back home.

Home. Thats what it is now.

"What did you do with Eugene?", i asked Negan curiously.

"Hes enjoying his own room with a few of my wives", Negan said unphased.

"Oh", i said in reply. I couldnt imagine Eugene with anyone to be honest. We drove back home in silence.

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