Chapter 14

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Exams Suck  🙃

Louis' Pov


56 missed calls from management. I was literally asleep(which was rare) for about an hour or so and they had already spammed my phone with schedules and meetings. Most voicemails and messages were along the lines of "Why the fuck did you leave early", "where are u??" and "you're late for the meeting". Just as I was about to go back to sleep, my phone rang again and I ignored it.

That didn't last long as there was a knocking on the door. And by knocking, I mean crazy banging as though a lady was trying to save her baby from her burning house.

Slowly getting out of my bed, the pounding on my door grows as does my migraine. Soon it's blasting making it harder to concentrate on the stairs. Finally making it to the door, I hope it's not a crazed hater wanting to kill me for being so pathetic. As soon as the door opens, there's somebody shouting in my face and fists clenching around my shirt collar. I can't catch his words but I know he's shouting at me for 'being worthless' and 'doing nothing right'. His grip gets tighter and I'm struggling to get air into my lungs.

"'" I manage to gasp out. It takes him a while to realise what I said before tightening his grip. I begin to kick around and try to hit him but my swipes have no effect. He finally lifts me by my neck and flings me across the room. It takes a while to recover, everything's blurry, my head throbs, I wanna throw up and I'm sure my neck has bruised. He towers over me before saying, "Because of you I lost a deal! You were supposed to come for the meeting and tell the men that my experiment was working! You idiot! Now they think you're not happy or healthy! Do you even know what happens now, you worthless little fag!" 

I don't understand what he's talking about before it struck me. Today's 15th June, the meeting with them. Oh shit, I knew I fucked up something. " I..I. I'm sorry! We'll fix this, I'll fix this! Please, just one more day, can't we do this tomorrow?" 

His eyes widen before scoffing, "So you think the world revolves around you huh, what are you? a little prince, you worthless piece of shit. Now there's only one thing you can do. The little boy is now my prisoner!" He had a creepy mocking tone towards the end which really freaked me out. I stared at him with wide eyes, wondering what he was going to make me do. 

"I've hired an actor to claim that she was abused by you. You're going to jail kid."

Wait, what? What the actually fuck? "WHAT??!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? WHY ARE YOU SENDING ME TO JAIL. HOW'S THAT GOING TO HELP YOU? YOU'RE A SICK FUCK YOU KNOW THAT!"  What was sending me to jail do? Make people hate me more or just torture me more?

"A bit of both" Apparently, I said the words aloud, one of the side effects of the pills, I guess. He carries on talking,  This will prove that the pills are dangerous and make you aggressive and switch you to the other ones. The stronger dosage, that'll make you perfect. And this little incident will be enough to still keep you relevant."

"What do you mean relevant? And the other dosages are just ten times worse than the ones now.  They'll never agree"

"They already did. Nobody really cares about you as long as you appeal to little twelve-year-olds desperate to see you. And you are losing relevance. Surveys shown you're the least known band member. We can't have a world famous band with an unknown member. Niall has his golfing and mates, Harry is the most famous so he's always under media attention. Liam and Zayn have talent and looks which you happen to lack. So ya, it's not their fault, they're perfect and you're pretty much talentless." 

I felt my heart break, I knew what he was saying the truth but I didn't want to believe it. The last few days had made me fall in love. In love with myself but it was turning into hate. I wanted to find an isolated hole and go hide there forever. Just the night sky and some Lana Del Ray, it would be the best getaway but I guess a cellar had to work for now. How did someone even press fake charges without any proof but then again, the management probably had many under their control, like me.

"Look the police is coming to get you now and since I'm a good man. I've talked to them, they'll soften up the rules for you. Like you'll get clean jumpers and room with nicer inmates. Be grateful, fag."

Grateful my foot, I wouldn't be in jail if it wasn't for the management or this guy whose name I forgot, I could be happily napping. 

"Can't you do somethi-" Before I can complete my question, a police officer barges in. 

"Mr.Tomlinson, you're under arrest for harassing a minor. You have the right to remain silent and anything you say will be used against you.Hands on your head and you'll come with me."

The man from management shoots me an evil grin and whispers in my ear, "Just think of this as a small punishment. You'll only be in jail for a week, be thankful, okay?" 

Only a week can't be that bad, I think as the police officers lead me to his car and cuffs my hand. The officer just gives me basic information that he'll lock me with another guy who's not 'that' bad. If he's not bad then why is he locked up? His management also forced him to get arrested?  

Either way, the roads are empty and everybody on the street walk is so lost in their own world. No one seems to care about the person walking next to them. 

When did the world become so cold?

Hey! Thanks for reading. I know this is dragged out a bit but hope you all like this chapter. I have finals going on and I couldn't find time to update earlier. 

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