chapter 41

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Third person P.O.V

Zayn backed up slowly, maintaining eye contact before finally walking away.
Zayn normally agreed with the leader of the pack. He was also the one most skeptical about Louis being an omega, so saying Harry was surprised would be an understatement.

To be honest, he had expected Zayn to put up a fight and try to shut down any of Harry's suspicions. He expected some shouting and maybe even something physical before Zayn made Liam and him make peace.

Zayn's reaction gave Harry an essence of the gravity of the situation. Harry stood frozen for a few seconds before coming back to his senses. If even Zayn didn't believe Louis, then something was certainly wrong. Very wrong. It couldn't be all in his head.

As Zayn faded from his vision, he made his way back to Louis' room. He stood in the doorway, watching the smaller lad stuff his clothes in a small black duffle bag. Louis didn't acknowledge his presence, even after Harry let out a small cough. He had no idea what to do know, finding the truth was easier said than done. And if Louis planned to ignore him then his efforts were going to be futile. So Harry resorted to standing by the door, feeling awkward. 

Harry sighed to himself, maybe Liam was right after all. He could just turn back right now, catch a cab, apologize to Liam and just go home. Forget about everything and just have a cuddle fest with the pack. But turning back meant giving up and Harry was not going to give up on Louis and just leave him, especially when he might need him the most. He sighed again, he seemed to sigh a lot these days.

As Harry zoned out, he was brought back to reality as Louis stood before him. His duffle bag hanging from his shoulder.

"Ready to go?"

Harry let out a small nod before following Louis. Louis took large steps with his chin up. Louis looked more confident than Harry who had his eyes trained on the ground, walking a bit further from Louis. They could easily pass off as an alpha and an omega couple. If it wasn't for Louis' small stature, he could pass off as an alpha, maybe. Before Harry could ponder over the possibility of Louis being an alpha, Louis stopped abruptly. Harry noticed he stood in front of the reception, asking for someone to the beta sitting at the reception. She immediately turned to her phone after listening to Louis' request.

Harry didn't have a chance to ask Louis what he was doing before a stout, bald man approached him. A tall nurse stood next to him, maybe a few inches shorter than Harry. Harry watched Louis and the man talk inaudibly, before exchanging a few papers. It seemed confidential, considering how the envelope was sealed tightly. The man had a huge grin spread on his face as Louis held a poker face. Harry stood a few meters behind him, watching the exchange in front of him patiently. He would ask Louis about it later. The last thing he wanted was for Louis to think he was too nosy and kick him out.
It wasn't until a small pressure on his forearm pulled him back from his initial position did he realize that the nurse had managed to sneak behind him. She seemed to be only one or two inches shorter compared to Harry when they stood side by side, she had big brown eyes and silky black hair which was neatly tied back.

She must be a beta, Harry thought.
She nervously glanced between Harry and the pair, before letting out a rushed whisper.

"Are you close to him?"

It took Harry a moment to register what she had asked and who she meant by 'him'.

"If you're talking about Louis, then yes. But why?"

She took another breath (and a nervous glance towards the pair before continuing).

"Look, I'm not supposed to tell you this and I'm going to get into deep shit if I do, but it's against my moral code to not tell you; so I need to tell you- no scratch that- have to tell you. Shit- they're nearly done, I think. Look, here's my number, please just call me when you find the time, Okay?I can't tell you right now, if they overhear then you're dead too. I swear this is extremely important, I'm not a scammer, I'm not gonna sell your number or post it online. Please, if you care about your friend, text me when you can. It's extremely important, the sooner the better." 

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