Max Verstappen - Match Made In Heaven

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A/N: this is part 2 of 'Matchmaker', read that one first or you won't understand much of this :)

"I'm really glad Daniel decided to take some action," Max says as we're enjoying our main course.


"Yeah, of course! If he hadn't done something, I'm sure we'd never go on a date."

"You wanted to go on a date with me?"

"Yeah, I did. I've wanted to for a while actually."

"Then why didn't you just ask me?"

"Because I was scared a beautiful girl like you would never want to go on a date with me," Max says, making me blush.

"Why not? You're pretty awesome yourself."

"You think so?"

"Of course! There are at least a million girls who would love to go on a date with you."

"True, but neither of them is you."

"You're a Formula 1 driver, you can have any girl you want. I should be the one scared you wouldn't want to go on a date with me, not the other way around."

"Other than that, I'm not that special."

"You are Max! You're sweet and kind and funny and so caring!" I tell him, surprised he doesn't see how amazing he actually is.

"Thank you Y/N."

"And on top of that, you're really handsome," I add, blushing a little as I say it. Max smiles at me, blushing a little at my compliment.

"We're idiots."

"We are?"

"Yeah, we are. Both of us liked the other one and neither of us had the courage to tell the other."

"Luckily there was Daniel."

"Yeah, I owe him big time now," Max sighs, making me chuckle.

"I'm sure he'll think of something."

"Oh, I don't doubt it. As long as it isn't a shoey, I'm fine," Max says and both of us laugh, knowing how much Daniel loves his shoey's.

"Don't tell him that, otherwise he'll definitely make you do one."

"Yeah, I know. But you're worth it," Max says, making me blush once again. I look down, hoping Max won't see it, but I know he already has.

"Thank you Max, that means a lot."

"Hey," Max says as he reaches his arm over the table and takes my hand, making me look up.


"I know we're still in the middle of our first date, but I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me again?"

"Of course!"

"Are you free tomorrow night? After you're done with all the PR stuff."

"After the race? Don't you want to go out with the team?"

"No, I'd rather go out with you. We'll go out and celebrate."

"Celebrate? You don't even know what the result will be."

"I wasn't talking about celebrating a victory or a podium."

"Then what do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I meant that we should celebrate that we're finally together."

"We are?"

"I hope so," Max says, suddenly sounding unsure.

"Me too," I say with a smile, making Max smile widely. He stands up from his chair and I look at him confused as he walks around the table. Before I can ask what he's doing, he cups my cheeks and presses his lips against mine. It only takes me a few seconds to respond and as I slowly get up, I put my hand on the back of Max's neck. One of Max's hand slowly slides down until it's on my back. He pulls me closer to him as he deepens our kiss. Our kiss would've continued for hours if we could, but unfortunately, we had to pull away to breath. Max rests his forehead against mine and looks into my eyes.

"Wow," I whisper, making Max smile.

"Glad you feel the same way," Max says before pressing a short kiss against my lips.

"I already can't wait for our second date."

"No, me neither."

"First, you need to drive an amazing race tomorrow."

"And if I do?"

"Hmm, we might do that again."

"What, this?" Max says before kissing me once again. This time, it isn't just a quick peck. Max deepens the kiss very quickly and as he pulls me closer to him, I let out a soft moan. Max pulls away briefly and smirks at me, making me blush. Luckily, Max goes back to kissing very quickly and he seems to enjoy the effect he has on me. He isn't the only one.

"I don't mind doing that again and again and again," Max whispers into my ear after he pulls away.

"Neither do I."

"I better drive an amazing race tomorrow then."

"I guess so," I say, making Max smile. He gives my lips another quick peck before we both sit back down as it's time for dessert.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," Max tells me as he walks me back to the hotel room.

"Yeah, me too."

"I can't wait for tomorrow."

"Me neither," I say, mentally cringing at how cliché we're being. Just then, the door of one of the hotelrooms opens and Daniel comes out.

"And, did you guys have fun?" he asks us and both of us nod.

"Thanks man, we would've never done this ourselves," Max tells Daniel says, making him smile widely.

"What can I see, being a matchmaker is in my blood."

"Well, it's a match made in heaven," I say, making both Daniel and Max smile.

"I totally agree," Max says.

This one was requested by dailybabe, thank you for requesting and I hope you liked it!

If you want to request a one shot as well, you can pm me :) Just tell me which driver and what you want the one shot to be about!! Also send along a link to your favorite picture of the driver you want the one shot to be about and I'll add it to the story :) I'm posting on Monday's and Friday's!

Love Evy
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