Tag 14

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OMG I GOT TAGGED!!!! It's been sooooooo looong.......ever since I got tagged! Welp anyways thanks to _-UMR-_ for tagging me and I have to write or type 10 facts about myself! Here goes...

1. I do not know how to swim. I only know how to play in the swimming  pools ! (I hope I'm not the only one)

2. I am REALLY bad at sports! It's not even funny. I suck cuz I goof around all day at home watching anime and reading fanfics! I have no life...

3. My wallet's always empty.

4. I wake up at 7:10 every Morning! Due to school! ITS SO EARLY (don't judge) I usually wake up at 11am-1pm so DONT JUDGE

5. I FINALLY cleaned my room! It's so clean!! I'm so proud of myself!

6. I have a phobia of Heights

7. I'm trying to save up money to buy a digital art board or whatever you call it. It's just those drawing boards that you use to draw manga.

8. Self-taught artist ( I should probably post my art online and let the whole world she how bad my art is... ITS SO BAD )

9. I have mid back length hair.

10. I don't usually sleep early.

DONEEE!!!!!!! Now for the tags!!! Have fun!

People who got tagged need to write 10 facts about them self and tag as many people as you want. I tagged 10 but you choose what you want.


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