Ch15; The Dream

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Groans. Groans everywhere. Meaning zombies everywhere. They had all made it about a minute down the path and had to stop to get something to make a tiny temporary home. They were finished with little one block wide, two blocks
tall for each person as soon as the sun completely set.

Cassandra didn't have her own little hub, instead since she was so young, she stayed with Gabby. Their hubs didn't have doors so the one block roofs was gone in each so they could see the moon and the stars, but most importantly when the sun peaked the earth and the monsters poofed.

"This nights... Never... Gonna e-end." Garrett complained, obviously at the edge or being awake.

"Speak for yourself. While we're about here 'complaining' about stuff, Steve and Sparky could die at any second." Diamond said, while she herself was fighting sleep. She couldn't sleep. She didn't want to sleep because she'll scream in her sleep due to today advents.

If she screamed, all the monsters would go toward the sound. The spiders would be able to just crawl into the one holed gap of a roof and kill her.

"Make sure if you get sleepy, put another dirt block where a roof would be." Jake had said.

Candy didn't get how Christina was supposed to do that. She was watching Steve and Sparky so her hub was more like a small hut kind of. Three blocks wide, two blocks tall, no roof.

"Won't Christina need a roof to have all night? Ya'know, since hers has to be a tad bigger?" Candy had somehow managed to ask. She remembered that once she'd said that, everyone stood there with shocked faces staring at her.

Then Ashton just flat out agreed, but then argued that Christina would need light then. None of them had coal nor charcoal. So Christina went without a roof.

Meanwhile, Ashton was on the verge of fainting. His hub was built next to Gabby. Side by side. Every time he'd kick the wall, he'd get a hard heck of a knock back with a hushed, "stop it! Your gonna wake up Cassandra!" After that he would turn to a different wall and repeat. The third time, though, was the last.

On the third time, his head was against the wall Gabby had been hitting in response, so when he kicked the wall in front of him then, he got hit hard. He stopped after that mumbling "I'm bored." Every minute.

Inside Jake's hub, he was sound asleep. It wasn't peaceful though. Rough shakes and turns against the dirt screaming quietly in agony wasn't exactly the idea of peaceful.

In Jake's dream, it was happening again. No, not the days earlier events, but a horrible memory. Playing over in his mind.

The memory? His father. Jake seemed awesome, shy around new people but smart and confident around those he knew, but he never showed his hurt for this memory on the outside. In his head it flashed.

"D-Dad?" Jake got off the ground and limped towards his father. "A-Are you okay?"


Jake started to panic as he continued to limp. He reached his father and carefully got on the ground with his good leg.


He looked at his left leg, the one causing him to limp. It was covered in blood and felt broken. He didn't care. All that had mattered was his father so he turned back to his dad.

Jake checked his dad for a pulse. First was the wrist. He couldn't touch it, though. It was bent at an adnormally strange angle. He went to check the other. It was freshly cut.

Jake gasped as he stopped reaching for it. He went to the neck instead and luckily he was able to check on the neck. A pulse was there. Jake sighed in relief.

"He's just out cold." Jake said to himself. Suddenly Jake thought 'if he's hurt so bad and out conscious why ain't I?'

Jake shook his head and decided to get help. He looked around. It felt like his memory was wiped of how they ended up like this. So Jake had no idea where they was.

He did know that they was in a dark oak forest, surrounded by a circle of dark oaks.

He turned back to his dad and watched closely. His dad's chest rose and fell. Slowly. Struggling.

Tears stung Jake's eyes. "Dad. Please. Don't scare me like this. Please."

Imma stop it there because I'm just that mean. >:)

Lololololol I'm sorry XD

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