The Tattoo

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Everyone has a soul mate. Its common knowledge. How we find ours is somewhat...unique. On our 18th birthday we develop a tattoo somewhere on our body. When the tattoo appears, apparently you feel a burn across where ever you get the tattoo. I'm 17 so my tattoo hasn't developed yet. Anyway, every single tattoo is unique. Only one other person has the same tattoo and its up you to find your soul mate. Yes, its possible for girls to mate, and its possible for guys to mate. But, its not as common. When you meet someone new, its common procedure to show the person your tattoo. Everything in life, Happiness depends on that one tattoo.

Three months till my birthday, and I'll get my tattoo. My name is Amber by the way. I'm 17. I have long auburn hair, and striking green eyes. I'm skinny with curves in all the right places. My boyfriend, Derek, turned 18 two weeks ago and his tattoo appeared behind his ear. Its a small star and its absolutely gorgeous. Just like him. He stands at 6'5, which has always made me feel small, even though I'm 5'9. He has shaggy black hair that falls in front of his beautiful blue eyes. He as Native American in him so he always has a tan. Hopefully, in three months I'll get the same tattoo because I love him so much and I couldn't imagine being with someone else. In fact, I refuse. We'd have to run away, of course. Its illegal to marry someone without the same tattoo. If you're caught, you are relocated to the farthest place you can go. By yourself. Without family, or friends. You basically have to start all over.

Just then I got a text from Derek.

*Babe! Kendra got her tattoo! When are you gonna be here? -D*

Today is my best friends birthday.

*Sweet! You know what it is yet? I still have to get ready.*

Ive been friends with Kendra since I was 6. We met on a playground and instantly clicked because we were both picked on by the 10 year olds. Little kids are fucking vicious. I was really excited for her. She finally got her tattoo. I can't help but wonder if it matches her boyfriend, Evans. Evan got his tattoo almost four months ago. Its a small diamond on his ankle.

*No, she wont tell me. & okay, love you! -D*

I smiled. *Love you too!*

I quickly sent a message to Kendra.

*Wife! What's your tatt?! :)*

Not even two seconds later.

*You'll see when you get here.*

I frowned but put my phone on the charger and jumped in the shower. After about thirty minutes, I emerged from the bathroom with a towel around my body and walked over to my closet. I wanted to look hot tonight. Finally, I decided on a royal blue dress that fell to my knees and was tight in all the right places. I slipped on my sparkly black flats and quickly straightened my hair. After applying my make up and taking my birth control, I grabbed the keys to my 2007 Lime Green Camaro and walked outside. I live by myself because both of my parents died in a car accident. I work 4 jobs and make a lot of money. Enough to keep myself enrolled at school, pay for my apartment, and get gas in my car.

I completed the 30 minute drive to Kendras house in about 20 minutes. I hopped out and noticed Dereks sleek black mustang in the driveway already. Evans car was there too. I skipped up to the steps and ran inside, tackling Kendra in the living room. I looked up at Derek and he gave me a tight smile. Evan was frowning, which is incredibly rare, and Kendra looked...apologetic. What the hell?

"What's wrong?" I asked, aloud.

Derek grimaced. "I love you, babe." He said turning his head, giving me a full view of his star tattoo behind his ear.

I looked at him. "I love you, too."

I glanced at Kendra and spotted her tattoo and my stomach dropped. A small star behind her ear. Tears immediately began to cloud my vision and I collapsed on the floor.


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