Chapter Six

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We got to school with about 20 minutes left until the bell rang. I glanced over and Brandon to find him already looking at me. I smiled.

"I'm sorry you had to witness my horrid singing and dancing but thank you for giving me a ride, I don't really like being alone right now." I said.

He looked at me with a mix of happiness and sympathy before reaching over to me a putting his hand on my cheek.

"Hey, I'm here for you if you need someone to talk too, okay? Oh and for the record, I enjoyed you're singing and dancing. At least you looked happy." he murmered.

I nodded, "Music does that. It makes me forget everything else for a while." I told him.

He glanced around and undid his seatbelt. "Why don't we go inside where it's probably a little cooler."

I mumbled my consent and we made our way to Mr. Neal's first hour class. Walking into the class, there was no one there yet but I couldn't help but remember mine and Mr. Neal's previous encounter. Its was so weird, what could possibly make him act like that towards a student? Mr. Neal is always so calm and collected.

"Hey, I'm gonna go find the guys and ask about practice this afternoon." Brandon said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nodded and waved as he walked quickly out of the room. I sighed to myself, I should probably do the homework for this class that I didn't do this weekend. I grabbed my bag and pulled the assignment out, putting my name at the top.

"You know, it's called homework for a reason." a voice said causing me to jump.

I looked up to find Mr. Neal sitting directly in front of me at his desk.

I glared. "It'd be nice if certain teachers could announce their arrival as opposed to nearly sending one of their students into cardiac arrest."

He laughed rather loudly and then approached me, leaning down and whispering in my ear. "Sorry, love." I shivered, involuntarily.

He smirked and took a step back. "Listen, we need to talk. Meet me here after school? Oh, thats right, you have detention. You have no choice." He grinned.

I glared at him again. "I'm beginning to dislike you." I snapped.

"I like you, too." he laughed putting his left hand on top of mine. I glanced down at it and that was when I noticed the ring for the first time. Positioned on his middle finger was a rather large ring. It was black but if you were close enough you could see streaks of blue and red running through it also. I reached down and touched it with my other hand and he froze. I met his eyes. They were wide, he almost looked....frightened?

"Your ring...? What is it fo---?" I started, but he pulled his hand quickly from mine.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." He said, stiffly.

He turned quickly and walked back to his desk, pulling his sleeves down to hide his gorgeous tattoo.

"Mr. Neal..." I started. He glanced back up at me.

"Call me Ian when we're alone." He said, flashing me his perfect teeth. It was then that I really checked him out for the first time. His brown hair was slightly tossled and his golden brown eyes were sparkling with a mixture of amusment and anger. He had a deep blue long sleeved dress shirt on and black dress pants.

"If you're done checking me out, the rest of the class is going to be here any minute." He smirked at me.

"I wasn't checking you out, you aren't even worth checking out." I lied.

He laughed and nodded. "Whatever you say, love."

I sighed and slumped back in my chair. Not even a minute later, the rest of the students started filing in and taking their seats. Brandon was one of the last people in the room but he finally took he seat next to me and offered me a small smile which I returned.

"Where's Will?" I whispered across the aisle, noticing his friends absence.

"He had family issues to attend too." He whispered back.

I nodded and turned my attention to the lesson Ian was starting when Derek and Kendra walked in late.

Ian stopped talking and glanced at them. "Nice of you two to join us. If you'd like to make out in the janitors closet, why don't you guys just stay home and do it. It's a much more appropriate place to fufill your...needs."

"Sorry, sir." They both mumbled before taking their seats. With that, Ian started his lesson again.

After about ten minutes, Derek tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to look at hm. "What?" I whispered, harshly.

"Just wanted to know how you and your new boy toy were coming along." he sneered.

Brandon went to say something but I raised my hand, stopping him.

"You know, Derek. You should know me better than that. We dated for how long? I'm not a slut and you know it. You just wanted me to mope about losing you and when you saw I wasn't going to do that, you got pissed. I kissed Brandon, yes. He was there for me when my best friend and ex-boyfriend went public about hooking up. You, you need to get the fuck over it or don't talk to me. Simple as that." I snapped.

His eyes widened as I finished my mini rant but he just nodded.

My classes went rather quickly after that and soon it was lunch time. I walked into the cafe and glanced around. Usually, I'd sit with Kendra, but since that obviously wasn't going to happen, I really needed someone to sit with. I felt a hand press to the small of my back, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned around and found Brandon standing there. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me into a quick hug. "Sit with me?" he asked.

I thought about it but quickly shook my head. "You said you'd give me two weeks. I need that time to think. If I'm always around you that makes it harder. Oh and don't worry about giving me a ride home, I have detention after school." I said.

He looked at me for a minute before nodding and walking in the direction of his friends. I glanced around again and then finally exited the Cafe. I made my way to Ian's room and opened the door. He glanced up as I walked in.

"Mind if I eat in here?" I asked.

He smiled and shook his head, gesutring to the desk in front of him. "Be my guest."

I smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Mr. Ne--"

"Ah Ah Ah." He interrupted.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks Ian."

He smiled and let me finish my lunch. After I was done, I got up and threw my trash away before walking up behind he and glancing over his shoulder. He whipped around and placed his hands on my waist. I froze.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He smirked and dropped his hands. "Nothing."

I backed up slightly. "Right, well is there anyway you can give me a ride home after school? Brandon drove me today and I have to be in here after school. I don't want to make him wait." I asked.

His eyes darkened to almost black at the mention of Brandon. "I could do that." He said.


He nodded and turned back to his desk. "You better go, the bell is about to ring. See you later, love."

"Later, Ian."

I walked slowly out of his room. I was actually really excited about my detention. Weird.

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