Chapter Two

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I sat up with my head in between my knees, trying to catch my breath. Derik sat on one side of my with his arm around my waist and Kendra sat on the other. Evan sat slumped in the arm chair across from us.

I glanced at Derek. "W-What are we g-gonna d-do?" I choked out.

His perfect lips were pulled into a frown. "Babe, I love you SO much. parents aren't going to stand for me being with someone who isn't my mate." He trailed off.

I sobbed even harder. "'re breaking up with me?"

He gave a tight nod. "I'm sorry.." he whispered.

Evan suddenly stood up, pushing his blonde locks out of his blue eyes. He shot a glare at Derek and looked over to Kendra.

"What about you? Are you breaking it off with me, too?" He asked her.

I looked over at her and saw that she was crying, too.

"Evan...I don't have a choice. I love you, I do. But, you know as well as I do that when we find our mate, we feel an automatic attraction. I have a this pull toward Derek." She admitted, being completely truthful because that's the type of person she is. Very blunt. Very honest.

He bit his lip, nodded, and ran out of the house. We all heard his car start and the squeal of the wheels as he took off.

I stood up and Kendra looked up at me.

"You hate me." She mumbled.

I automatically shook my head and reached down and pulled her to her feet. "No, you're my best friend. I'll always love you to death but right now...I need some time. You're my boyfr....ex-boyfriends mate. I still love him Kendra and its gonna be hard for me to get over. I'll call you when I'm ready." I explained.

Tears freely fell down her cheeks but she nodded and gave me a hug. I turned to Derek.

"Derek..I love you so much and if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call me. Never forget what we had. Be happy. You found your mate. Be good to her."

A small smile graced his lips. "I love you, too." He bent and kissed me for what would be the very last time and I felt myself breakdown further so I pulled away and I couldn't help but notice that Kendra had her fists clenched. What the hell?

I walked past her and walked out the door and got in my car. Tears fell from my face as I drove home. When I got there I threw my keys on the counter and turned my phone off, making a B-line for the mint chocolate chip ice cream and a spoon. On my way to my room I grabbed "The Notebook" and put it in my DVD player. I layed in bed and watched the movie, eventually crying myself to sleep.

The next morning my alarm went off at 5:00am and I got up and got ready for school. I took a quick shower and put on my dark skinny jeans and my red Green Day t-shirt. I slipped on my boots, did my makeup , and straightened my hair. I grabbed my keys and took the ten minute drive to school. I walked into Mr. Neal's first hour AP Lit class and took my usual seat between Brandon Holler and Will Clark. These two were the two most popular guys in school. Brandon has dark blonde hair that fell in his eyes and Will has pitch black hair with green eyes. They both have killer bodies and they both have their tattoo. Brandon's is a series of feathers that travel down his back and around his stomach. Will's is the word "Lust" on his left hand. They both glanced at me when I sat down and shot me sympathetic glances.

"You alright?" Brandon asked. Apparently news travels fast.

I nodded and gave a small "Yeah."

He reached over and squeezed my arm. "I'm here if you want to talk."

Mr. Neal walked in just then. He was everyones favorite teacher. He was 23 and pretty good looking. He had dark brown hair, which loved to fall into his golden eyes. Nobody really knows what his tattoo his because he keeps in really well hidden. He is a mystery to say the least, I guess that's part of his appeal.

I glanced up when I heard someone else walk in, and there they'd were. Derek and Kendra. Holding hands. Looking completely in love.

I hate Monday's.

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