Michele Crispino x Reader - Matchmaker

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Thanks to Sleepydormouse for the request!



Sara Crispino is your best friend and an 'expert' in Matchmaking

But somehow she sometimes fail at her matchmaking stuff

She even wants to match you with someone but you being you....You hate being matched with anyone....

None unless if it's that boy who catch your eyes all the time

Yes that boy is Sara's brother Michele Crispino

Though Sara never knew,

"Oh come on (Y/N)! Who is it that you like? Is it Otabek?" Sara says

"Uh No" You said

"Seung Gil?"






"Yuri Plisetsky?"


"Ugh (Y/N) just tell me who is it" She said

"Sara I don't like anyone besides I don't seek for a love life" You said

"Hm....it's Michele isn't it?" She said and that's when your heart almost stopped beating

"W-What!? N-No! I don't like him!" You said

"A ha! So it is him! Cause your reaction is different and look you're all red now!" She says

"B-but.....he's your brother" You said

"So what? He needs to have a girlfriend so he will quit crying over me, Well base on my observation....I think Mickey likes you too" She smiled and took your hand

"Come on!" She says

And there is that italian guy arguing with Emil as usual

"Just have confidence in you don't worry" Sara whispered in your ear

"Mickey...what are you doing?" Sara asked

"Well this Emil guy wants to get into you" Michele says with scowl on his face

"Oh why don't you just be nice Mickey...how can you get a girlfriend like that?" Sara says

Well this is actually the reason why you adore him....so protective, maybe sometimes he always have a scowl on his face but.....it just warms your heart

You saw Michele blushing when Sara mentioned about the girlfriend thing.....well she actually nudged you about it

"Oh uhm I gotta get something in my room uh Emil...come with me?" Sara says


"No! Sara I'll come with you!" Michele says

"Michele Crispino you stay here, have (Y/N) here with you" She says and pushed you to him

"Okay bye!" Sara says and took Emil with her.....but actually they are just hiding around the corner watching the both of you

It was an extremely awkward silence for the both of you

"M-Michele I have something to tell you" you said

"Uh What is it?" He says and you took a deep breath

"Ilikeyoumorethanasafriend" you said in one breath

"Oh speak properly.." He says and you said it again but properly this time

"R-really?" He asked with a blushing face

"Yeah..." you looked down

You swear you could feel you heart bursting out of your chest

"I like you too!" He says trying to act tough

"Just kiss her already!" Sara and Emil and also surprisingly Phichit is there also says from their hiding spot

"S-SHUT UP!" both you and Michele says

Sorry for that short hiatus hehe

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