Chapter Ten

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Hermione was quite disappointed that she didn't have Defence today. She was anxious to see her Professor later tonight. She hoped he'd thought about what she said, even if he didn't want to talk about it. She got dressed and made her way to the library, having a free period, she wanted to get a head start on her homework. She started with her defence homework – making a list of, what she believed to be, the most effective defence spells and how they were useful. She heard a tapping nearby and looked up, surprised to see an owl, with a note attached to its leg. She got up and opened the window, as soon as she untied the note from the owls' leg, it flew away. The note read:

"Miss Granger,

If you would be so kind – I request your presence in my office before your shift this afternoon.


Albus Dumbledore"

Hermione folded the parchment and put it away. She was both confused and slightly worried, but, her shift tonight didn't start until 6:00 so she figured she had plenty of time to mentally prepare herself.

She finished her defence essay and packed her stuff into her bag, before heading to her dorm for the last twenty minutes before her next lesson. Once sat on her bed she took out her healing notebook – she'd forgotten to make notes of last nights' patients – she normally did them of an evening after her shift, but she got side-tracked last night by Professor Snape, the thought made her smile. After she'd finished she went back through the notes of her previous patients, knowing she was looking for a particular name. She found Professor Snapes file and read through it; bringing back bad memories as she did. She couldn't stop thinking that he doesn't deserve this, any of it. But this only added more fuel to the fire; made her more determined to succeed in her project. She put everything away and went to her first class, attempting to put Snape at the back of her mind, for now.

At lunch time she decided to attend the Great Hall for lunch – she very rarely had lunch anymore, being so busy – normally waiting until dinner in the evening. She walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to Harry and Ron

"Hermione, what are you doing here?" Ron asked, surprised

"oh, I'm sorry Ronald, I didn't realise I needed your permission to eat" Ron's ears turned pink

"n-no, I'm sorry, I didn't.." Hermione cut him off, laughing

"I'm joking you moron" she playfully shoved his shoulder and he grinned at her, sheepishly

"so, Hermione, what are you doing here?" Harry asked

"I had some free time, I thought I'd come and have lunch with you guys" Harry smiled at her

"oh, I forgot to ask you" Harry said "a few of us are doing a kind of duelling club tonight, similar to the DA last year, but more for fun, are you in?"

"Sorry, Harry, I can't, I'll be with Professor Snape" she hadn't realised what she'd said until Ron almost choked on his drink

"Snape?! What the bloody hell are you doing with him?"

"Will you keep your voice down? You know I work for the infirmary, I have to brew potions sometimes, he's a busy man Ronald, he's briefing me on the potions we need" she lied easily, not really feeling too bad about it

"but he's the defence teacher now, Slughorn teaches potions, why aren't you going to him" Hermione cackled a laugh, without humour, raising her voice slightly

"Slughorn is hardly a potions 'master' now is he? Professor Snape can brew potions in his sleep that Slughorn couldn't even dream of brewing" she threw her fork onto her plate and stood from the table, leaving the Great Hall, suddenly remembering why she doesn't do lunch.

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