Chapter 1

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Jack's pov 

I woke up in the morning to the sound of my alarm. I blindly reached out to turn it off. 

Ugh another day of hell. 

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to have a shower. Once I was freshened up I put on a pair of white jeans with my tie dye top and my white converse. I quickly styles my hair and put a flower crown that was full of white blossoms on my head. Some people say that I look like a girl with them on but I honestly couldn't care less. This is my image, if you like it then great but if you don't then I'm sorry but I don't really care. I went downstairs to get my breakfast. 

"Oh Jack, I do wish you would stop wearing flowers on your head." My mom sighed as she took in my image. "And that shirt is horrible." She added while pointing to my shirt. I just shook my head. Even my mom doesn't except the way I dress. 

"Well thanks a lot mom." I said sarcastically. 

"Here's your breakfast." She said and handed me a plate with toast and jam on it. 

"Thanks." I said and took the plate off her and went to sit down at the table and eat it. Once I was finished I went upstairs to brush my teeth and then I grabbed my bag said bye to my mom and I was out of the door. I was walking slowly to school because I really didn't want to get there. That's why I leave the house earlier than most people would so I can walk slowly but still get to school on time. 

Once I got to school I went to my locker to get the books out that I would need for the first two lessons. All the people looked at me weirdly but I was used to it. Then I saw people starting to make a gap in the middle of the hallway. Oh great, here he comes. It was Alex Gaskarth, the school player and I swear he was put on this planet to make sure that I had the worst time ever while I was at school. He had his arm around Lindsey. I bet she's just another slut to add to his list.

"Oh look who it is, little gay boy." Alex taunted as he neared me. I gulped. I was terrified off him. He's beat me up more than once. 

"You know I really don't like fags in my school. So that's why I don't like you." Alex said. He was so close that I could feel his hot breath on my face and I certainly didn't want to kiss him right there and then.  

"I-I'm not gay." I squeaked out causing Alex to laugh. 

"Did you hear that?" He called to the crowd that was around us. "He said that he isn't gay." Everybody else started to laugh as well. 

"Well when you stop dressing and acting like one we might believe you." Alex said and walked away to class. Why does everybody have to pick on me just because I like to be different with the way that I dress and automatically assume that I'm gay. I'm not gay well at least I don't think I am. I've never liked a boy before only girls not that they would be interested in me anyways. I walked to class before my mind got the better of me. 

"Hello Jack, you look very nice today, your top is er very bright." Said Mrs Williams. The teachers are always nice to me. They try to make me feel better about the way I dress. 

"Thank you Mrs Williams." I said and walked to my seat as the class laughed at me. 

It was dinner time and I always sit under the big oak tree by myself as I watch everybody else chatting and laughing with their friends wishing that I could have friends so that I could do that with them. But nobody wants to hang out with the gay boy and be terrorized by Alex and the rest of the school. That's why nobody is my friend because they don't want to get bullied and beat up like I do. It's really hard being this unpopular as I was growing up I used to be really excited to start high school because my mom used to tell me nothing to good stories about it and I used to believe it. But now I know that it isn't true. My mom doesn't know about me being bullied. Alex is smart enough to hurt me where it isn't noticeable. She is never to know about what goes on as soon as I walk through those gates. 

After dinner I walked into my English class. I hate this class mainly because Alex is in here. He just looked at me and smirked probably thinking about how he's going to beat me up after school.  

"Ok, everyone settle down." Said Mr Wilis. Everyone quietened down. 

"Lets start by pairing you all up for an assignment. You will have to write a scipt and perform it in front of the class and you have a month to do it in." Everyone looked at their friends and started moving. "Who said that you can be with your friends?" The expressions on their faces were priceless. "I'll be pairing you up."  All you could hear was groans. 

"First of all Alex you will with Jack." Alex glared at me so much that I swear there was holes in my body. I shook my head. 

"Please Sir can I be with someone else?" I begged. 

"No you will be with Alex and that's final." Said Mr Wilis. 

I can see goodbye to everything. 

Once the class was over I ran to my locker and got my stuff out and tried to get home before Alex came to get me. I only just got out of the school gates and around the corner when I got pulled back. 

"Trying to run away from me eh?" Well it ain't gonna work." Alex said and punched me in the stomach and I crumpled to the ground in pain. 

"You're just a pathetic gay boy who will neve get anybody to love you." He started kicking my side. That's gonna bruise later. There was a crowd that started to form and cheered Alex on. That only fueled him more. He got on top of me and started punching me in the face. He's never done that before. 

"Oh and if you think I'm working with you. You've got another thing coming. I'm not letting you in my house with your disgusting disease and I don't want to come anywhere near your house." Alex said and then he walked away leaving me on the ground in pain. 

I just laid on the ground for a couple of minutes letting the pain subside enough that I could pull mysef up. I winced but I managed it. I limped all the way home. 

"Jack, why are you- oh my god what happened? Who did this is you?" My mom said and rushed to my aid. 

"It's fine mom." I said and brushed her hand away. 

"No it's not fine. Let's get you cleaned up and then you will tell me who did this to you." My mom said and lead me to the kitchen to get me cleaned up. 

"You need to stay still Jack or this isn't going to work." My mom said and tried to keep me still. 

"But it hurts." I whimpered. 

"I know sweetheart but just stay still and it won't hurt as much." My mom said. 

"Ok, I'll try." I said. 

A couple of minutes later. 

"There you go, all done." Said my mom. 

"Thanks." I said and I was about to get up to go to my room. 

"Oh no you don't." My mom said as she grabbed my arm. "You will tell me who did this to you."  I shook my head. No matter what Alex does to me I can't tell anybody about because it will only get back to him and he will hurt me worse for being weak. "I can't tell you." I said and pulled my arm out of my moms grip and walked upstairs. to get some homework done. 

So this is my new story. I thought I would change it up a bit and go with a new ship. I hope you ike it. Don't forget to commet and vote, it means a lot to me. Thanks fopr reading. Love you my little cupcakes. BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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