Are you the friend or the foe?
The valiant or the milksop?
Stranger or parvenu?Which one you belong to?
Let the verbs say what you are.
Actions in the eyes of haters.
Endeavor in the eyes of lovers.Struggle in eyes of the blind.
Frustration is weakness in hands of a dexterous.
Kindness is indulgence in
hands of the grateful.Do not be ashamed
Of the abilities you possess
I know...
...because I was.Now I know
Where I belong
I am bless
I was cursed...Buried in nothingness
Deep in a sea of questions
Doubts covered me because of the pressure of "friends"Not because of them
I know...
Because of me
I know where I belongHere...
In time discoveries will be made under your skin. Not because you peeled, because you waited your soul to peak.
If you're reading this, Don't!
PuisiRegrets by a normal human being that, by using poetry, says "sorry" and "is your fault". Who to say it is dedicated it to you the reader? Or to no one?