🔮Old friend and Not so nice people 🔮

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Y/n pov
I got out of the inn and I need to find Lucinda.

5 minutes later

Ok I can't find Lucinda ah there is a guard "umm excuse do you know where is Lucinda " I asked " yes she is in that huge house ok " he said " thank you" I walked over there and knocked on her door " (y/n) you here were is Aphmau and the rest" "umm I came here alone and don't said a-Aphmau or Laurance ok" I said "ok but why" Lucinda said confused "ok on Donna wedding Laurance and I were dancing until he talked to Aphmau so I talked to Kiki and then I turn around and Laurance and Aphmau kissing some I just ran home pack up my stuff and left Phoenix Drop to Bright Port so I came back after 15 years and Laurance kiss me even I don't have feelings for him anymore more so I slapped him in the face go home crying and pack up my stuff and grab a potion of teleportation and teleport here " I said " wow.... when I see Aphmau or Laurance I'm going to give a slapped in the face because they hurt one of my best friends so wh-" Lucinda stop until one of her guards said " lord Lucinda, Lord Aphmau and her guard Laurance is here and asking for a missing person " " Lucinda can come with you" I said " sure but stay behind me ok" Lucinda said " ok " i said we walked out of the gates and saw them but Lucinda look really mad Aphmau said " hey Lucinda is nice to see y-" Lucinda slapped Laurance and Aphmau in the face and said " what was that for " " you both really hurt my friend feeling how could you Laurance and Aphmau I thought you both a nice person " Lucinda said really mad " what friend " Aphmau asked " " (y/n) (l/n) you are not invited to this village ever again and don't even ask-" I stopped Lucinda " Lucinda stop I want to talked to these people ok " " If you need some thing I will be there " Lucinda said "thank you now come on now " i said

Aphmau pov

Lucinda slapped me and laurance. " ok now sit down I'm giving you some good ok " (y/n) said " ok " laurance and I said

2 minutes later

(Y/n) gave us soup Laurance and I ate then i felt weird and then Laurance and I got knocked out

(Y/n) pov

Great their knocked out "LUCINDA " I yelled " WHAT WHAT HAPPENED " she said " take them to Phoenix Drop please or teleport them " I said "ok" she said and then she did a witchcraft and poof there gone and I wondered where they go

????pov (not Aaron )

"Zane I found them "I said " good mhahahahahahhahahahahah"

Cliffhanger yeah so I'm sorry I just don't feel well and I heard there is the flu go around I probably have it so see you tomorrow  ok bye

I get heart broken but...I still love him Laurance x reader {complete}{editing}Where stories live. Discover now