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Kira had successfully snuck aboard the ship Apollodorus and Cleopatra were on. She snuck into the hull of the ship and hid herself behind a barrel, full of goods that were being taken along on the journey. She would be safe for now.

The only problem was, that if she were caught, she could be killed on the spot.

But she was sure she would be alright. Hopefully.

The shipped docked in Alexandria, around late afternoon, and men began to unload goods and other items. Kira snuck along the shadows of the ship, hopefully the crew would all be too busy to notice her. She climbed up the stairs to the deck of the ship, and hid behind another barrel. Kira squinted, noticing a familiar brown blob holding a red rug. Apollodorus. She followed him down to the dock a good distance behind him, still being careful not to be caught.

Apollodorus walked down the pebble-paved streets, making his way through the thick crowd. Kira was having a harder time, as the crowds were nice enough to move out of the way for a tall man carrying a heavy rug, but not nice enough to move around a small maid. Instead they chose to bump into her at all sides. Kira pushed her way through the busy streets, trying to keep her sight on the brown and red blob that moved much more quickly.

Suddenly, the blob disappeared into a building. A magnificent, beautiful palace! This must be where Caesar stayed. Kira went up to the building, looking for a window or some sort of opening she could look into. She had to make sure Cleopatra had made it safely! Kira stood on her tip-toes, trying to peek into the building, but she couldn't see anything. There was something in her way.

That's when someone grabbed the girl by the neck, turning her abruptly around. Kira winced in pain. Her eyes then opened wide with fear, it was a Roman soldier! She had been caught!

"What are you doing, sneaking around the palace? Are you a spy?" the man demanded angrily.

"No! No, my brother," she fibbed, "was making a delivery to the Caesar. I followed him because I wanted to see Alexandria for myself. I promise I am not a spy."

"I do not believe you. I must bring you inside for questioning."


The soldier turned, letting go of the girl, Behind them stood Apollodorus, no rug in hand. He was told to leave Cleopatra with Caesar, as much as he hated the idea. He knew what Cleopatra's plan was, to woo Caesar, and it made him jealous. Yet the only thing he could do was obey. He had just left the palace, only to see Kira being held by the neck, a Roman Soldier sneering down at her.

"Is this your sister?" the soldier demanded.

Apollodorus nodded, Kira must had fibbed in fear of getting punished.

The soldier practically threw the maid onto the ground. Kira shot up and scurried over to her friend, throwing her arms around his waist. If it weren't for him, she could have been severely punished.

Apollodorus pulled the girl away from the soldier and the palace, leading her back into the bustling crowd of merchants and tradesmen. He grabbed her by the shoulders, a concerned look on his face. "Are you hurt? How on earth did you get here?"

"I'm fine," Kira replied, "I snuck aboard the ship."

The man pointed at the dagger that hung from the sheath around her waist, "Kira, how did you get this?"

  "I took it."

"Kira!" he exclaimed, "What were you thinking following us with that dagger? Someone could have seen you as a threat. You could have been hurt, or worse!"

"I'm sorry, I just w-wanted to make sure you were both okay. Where is Pharaoh anyway?"

Apollodorus frowned, "She's spending the next few nights with the Caesar before she returns home. We are to prepare a feast, for when she does, she will be bringing Caesar and his comrades."

Kira knew what this meant, Cleopatra meant to make Caesar her lover, so she may get more power over Egypt through him. She knew Apollodorus had feelings for Cleopatra, and she felt bad for her friend. "I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't realize this was her plan."

Apollodorus changed the subject, "How did you follow us? With your eyesight?" He was mentioning her very poor sight, Kira was nearsighted, though in this day and age no one knew much about this subject. Her eyesight was a hindrance, and was a secret to everyone but Apollodorus. If others found out, she could loose her job and her reputation. Only the perfectly healthy could work, and those with poor eyesight were considered blind. The blind resorted to begging on the streets.

"I followed the brown blob carrying the red blob," Kira laughed, "It was relatively easy considering you were the only brown blob carrying a red blob."

The man laughed, "You are certainly a clever girl."

Kira blushed, looking down at the ground.

"Come on," Apollodorus took the girl by the arm and began to lead her through the crowd, "Let's get ready for that feast!"

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