CH19: No Silent Treatments

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"Bye!" I scream at Mitch as he drives off.

I open the door, and notice the tv was on.

I shiver, a worried look plastered on my face, was someone in my house? I look to my left and locate the lamp.

Worst comes to worst, I would knock them out with it.

I tiptoe over to the couch.. no one.

I then move around the house; the kitchen, living room, and bathroom.. no one.

So, I decide to check upstairs. I crawl my way to the top, my phone in hand.

When I get up there, I stop and sigh, maybe I was just being paranoid, there couldn't actually be any--

And two big hands grabbed my waist and pulled me towards them.

I scream, and try to run but they cover my mouth.

"Calm down, it's just me."

I look up, "Oh my god--Max you scared the shit outta me!"

He chuckles at the worried expression plastered upon my face, letting me go.

"Why the fuck are you here, Jesus, giving me a heart attack."

"Well, I was knocking on the door, and you didn't answer; I concluded that you weren't home. So then, I took the extra key from under the doormat and let myself in."

"I hate you so much," I say, arms crossed in front of him.

"No you don't!"

"Yes, actually I do," I reply smiling.

"Fine then, I fucking hate you too," Max says, walking down the stairs without me.

He went and sat on the far end of the couch. When I went to plop down next to him, he pushed me off and slid even farther from me.

"Max, come on! I was kidding!"

He doesn't answer.

"Max!" I say moving towards him, but only to be pushed back farther away, once again. I pout, "don't give me the silent treatment! I don't deserve it"

He shrugs, not saying a word and turns the tv on.

I slump down on the sofa, "fine, two can play this game."

♡ ♡ ♡

For the next 20 minutes, we didn't speak to each other. I was so tempted to just mumble a word.

Max looks over at me, and I pout in his face.

He grabs a notecard on the table and scribbles something on it, then hands it to me.

It read:

'If you talk, I'll strip in front of you'

I laughed, I knew he wasn't mad at me.

I grabbed the pen and wrote back:

'Nah, no one wants to see that'

His jaw drops in disbelief, and he writes back:

'Everyone wants to see my body'

I reply with:

'Not me'

He grabs the pen and quickly writes something back:

'You know you want me'

I shake my head and he smiles at me, his braces gleaming at me.

I've always had a thing for braces, as most people hated them and were embarrassed to have them.. I thought they were the cutest thing ever--at least on him.

All My Doubts; Minecraftfinest (MCfinest) FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now