CH28: I Wouldn't Dare

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"Every single fucking time," I groan, slamming the computer shut. Every time we would make it to death match, Mitch would end up killing me in a couple hits.

Mitch just stays in his seat laughing, while I'm raging for the third time in a row.

"Couldn't you at least let me win one time?" I protest, hopping out of the chair.

"No mercy," Mitch replies, casually strutting over to me.

"Yeah well screw you," I say, still enraged that Mitch didn't even let me win one game.

"Oh come on," Mitch exhorts, "wasn't that fun?"

"Maybe if I won a round, it would have been." I pout, walking out of the room, "I'm going to make myself a sandwich."

"Make one for me too?" Mitch calls after me.

"Go make one for yourself," I mutter sarcastically, "cheater."

"I'm not a cheater! You're just really bad at survival games," he screeches from upstairs, as I scan the fridge.

I roll my eyes, placing the bread atop two identical sandwiches.

I make my way back downstairs, with the sandwiches on a plate.

I placed them beside Mitch on the counter, gently sitting down beside him on the sofa.

My hands curl into my lap, as I sigh in disbelief.

"Thanks Mitch," I smile up at him, "for cheering me up."

"Does that mean I'm not a cheater anymore?" Mitch jokes, making himself comfortable beside me.

"No, you're still a cheater." I reply, playfully smiling in his direction.

He pouts, slowly leaning further away from me.

"I'm kidding!" I innocuously reply, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him back towards me.

He softly bumps into me, laughing at my sudden reaction.

♡ ♡ ♡

I take a deep breath, inhaling his scent. My head resting in the crook of his neck, while I cuddle into Mitch's warmth.

"I walked in on him and some other girl," I slowly confess, closing my eyes on his shoulder.

Mitch nods, "you don't need to tell me."

I sigh, "it's just nice to tell someone."

"Have you spoken to him yet?" Mitch hesitantly asks, quickly regretting his question.

"No," I pause, my eyes scanning the room, "should I?"

He reaches for my phone laying on the tabletop, handing it to me.

"It's up to you," Mitch answers, as I grasp my phone, turning it on for the first time since yesterday morning.

Mitch stands up and walks out of the living room, leaving me alone in doubt.

My phone flashes an expected several missed calls from Max.

I shake my head unknowingly, curling the cold tips of my feet onto the sofa.

My tensed body relaxes, allowing my hands to encircle the screen in my hands.

I swallow hard, letting myself choose as to what I wanted to do. Max's phone number filled the screen, causing questions to freely roam my mind.

I want to call him. I want to hear his voice. I want him to chase after me. I need him to talk to me.

I bite my lip, turning away from the screen and clicking the call button.

I take another deep breath, caressing the goosebumps that were forming on my legs.

"Camille?" Max's forgiving voice beams through the phone.

I uh--" I stutter, my hand curling into my lap, "I decided--"

My face freezes, as Max's tentative tone sounds again, causing me to quickly end the call.

I can't do it. I can't speak to him. I can't get myself to forgive him. I need to forget it all.

I set my phone back on the table, letting my thoughts take control again.

I'm such a broken mess.

All My Doubts; Minecraftfinest (MCfinest) FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now